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10 Nov. 2024


How can a foreigner obtain a medical certificate for obtaining an immigration permit to Ukraine?

Für Ausländer in UA
How can a foreigner obtain a medical certificate for obtaining an immigration permit to Ukraine?

Obtaining a medical certificate is an important step in obtaining an immigration permit to Ukraine. Find out what examinations you need to undergo, where to get the necessary documents, and how you can simplify the process

Legal assistance on entry, stay and legalization of foreigners in Ukraine
Legal assistance on entry, stay and legalization of foreigners in Ukraine

A medical certificate is one of the key documents for obtaining an immigration permit to Ukraine. The procedure for obtaining it, the necessary examinations, and the specifics of obtaining it for different categories of foreigners are described below.

For a step-by-step algorithm of actions on how a foreigner can obtain an immigration permit to Ukraine, please follow the link.

Who does not need a medical certificate for immigration to Ukraine

The legislation provides for exceptions for certain categories of foreigners who do not need to provide a medical certificate:

● Foreign citizens who have been married to Ukrainians for more than 2 years

● Children of Ukrainian citizens

● Parents of Ukrainian citizens

● Persons who have the right to acquire Ukrainian citizenship by territorial origin

What medical examinations are required

In order to obtain a full medical certificate, a foreigner must be examined for:

● All types of hepatitis

● Active form of tuberculosis

● HIV infection

Additionally, you need to obtain:

● Advisory opinion on the absence of chronic infectious diseases

● Certificate from a narcologist on the absence of addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse)

Please note! In order to obtain a certificate, a foreigner will have to visit more than one specialist in different medical institutions to pass all the tests and undergo checks.

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Where to get a medical certificate

A medical certificate can be obtained in both public and private medical institutions. The main requirement is that they have the appropriate accreditation to issue such certificates.

Documents required for a medical institution

● Passport of a foreign citizen

● A certified translation of the passport into Ukrainian

Peculiarities of obtaining a certificate abroad

If a foreigner is applying for an immigration permit outside Ukraine, a medical certificate can be obtained at a local accredited healthcare facility. However, once received, such a document requires:

● Translation into Ukrainian

● Certification by a diplomatic or consular post of Ukraine

Professional assistance in document preparation

For foreigners who do not speak Ukrainian well enough or are not familiar with the peculiarities of the local healthcare system, the process of obtaining a medical certificate may be difficult. In such cases, it is advisable to seek the assistance of migration lawyers who:

● Know all the requirements for medical documentation

● Help you choose an accredited medical institution

● Save you time and effort

Qualified Visit Ukraine lawyers are ready to provide professional advice and full support in the process of obtaining an immigration permit to Ukraine. Follow this link to book a consultation with a specialist and get comprehensive assistance in legalizing your stay in Ukraine.

We remind you! Obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine can be accompanied by many difficulties for foreign nationals. Read how to avoid problems, shorten the processing time and successfully obtain documents in our previous article.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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gestellte Fragen
Was ist eine Einwanderungserlaubnis?
Eine Einwanderungserlaubnis ist eine Entscheidung, die Ausländer und Staatenlose zur Einwanderung in die Ukraine berechtigt. Diese Entscheidung wird im Rahmen der Einwanderungsquote getroffen (außer in bestimmten gesetzlich vorgesehenen Fällen). Eine Einwanderungsquote ist die maximale Anzahl von Ausländern und Staatenlosen, denen während eines Kalenderjahres eine Einwanderungserlaubnis erteilt werden darf.
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