
On December 17, the order of the Ministry of Defense “On Approval of the List of Specialties and/or Professions Related to the Relevant Military Accounting Specialties, After Which Women Are Registered in the Military” came into force. According to the order, the list of professions of women who can be mobilized was expanded.
Despite the martial law, no changes have been made to the order, so women must be registered from October 1, 2022. Yuriy Hryva, head of the legal group of a regional territorial recruitment center, informed Suspilne outlet about the details of women's mobilization.
What categories of women can be registered?
According to Hryva, these are women under the age of 60 who have no contraindications due to their health and whose profession or specialty is in the order of the Ministry of Defense. It presents specialties from the field of catering to publishing and printing. Among the professions - are programmers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, musicians, social workers, accountants, employees of restaurants and hotels, and more.
What does it mean to register a woman?
This means that a woman becomes a conscript and is in the reserve of the Armed Forces, the National Guard, or other military formations.
Until when do I need to register?
According to Yuriy, the legislative acts of Ukraine do not specify deadlines. In the conditions of the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, every conscious citizen who is subject to military registration must appear at the territorial center as soon as possible.
Does registration mean instant mobilization?
No, it doesn't. According to Yuriy, there is no need to mobilize women at the moment. However, in some cases, they can be mobilized for the most scarce military specialties in the Armed Forces or other components of the defense forces. Conscripted women can be involved in the work of ensuring the defense of the state in wartime.
In the post-war (peaceful) period, women may be admitted to military service and service in the military reserve only under a contract on a voluntary basis.
If a woman has minor children, can she be called up for service?
No, women with minor children under the age of 18 are not eligible for military service due to mobilization. Conscription in this case is possible only with the consent of women and only at the place of residence.
Is it possible to go abroad if a woman is registered?
No, you can not. However, this restriction does not apply to women who are not subject to conscription, according to Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine “On Mobilization Training and Mobilization”.
What are the duties of women conscripts?
Conscripted women must:
• be on the military register at the place of residence. In case of temporary departure outside Ukraine, be at the place of consular registration in diplomatic missions of Ukraine;
• appear on call to the territorial center of staffing and social support within the time specified in the documents received by them;
• not change the place of residence without the permission of a military commissar, heads of the SBU, or the Foreign Intelligence Service after the announcement of mobilization and in wartime;
• undergo medical examination and treatment;
• be trained for military service, perform military service and carry out military duties in reserve;
• come to the territorial center for deregistration seven days before you need to change your place of residence, go on a business trip, study, vacation, or treatment (for more than three months outside Ukraine). Also if the place of residence changes within the city, but to another administrative district;
• notify within seven days the bodies in which they are on the military register, about the change of marital status, state of health, address of residence (stay), education, place of work, and position;
• immediately notify the territorial manning centers (SBU bodies) about the loss of the military registration document;
The full list of responsibilities can be found in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On Approval of the Procedure for Organizing and Maintaining Military Registration of Persons Liable to Military Duty and Conscription".
According to the Law, women who are fit for health and age, with a related relevant military accounting specialty/profession cannot refuse to register for military service.
Until the end of 2022, no manager of a company where women work, as well as the women themselves who have to register, will bear administrative responsibility. However, after the deadline, companies will be fined between UAH 5,500 and 8,500, and women will be fined for violating military accounting rules by conscripts.
Evasion of a conscript from military registration after a warning issued by the head of a territorial center is a violation of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and is punishable by a fine of up to 8,500 hryvnias or correctional labor for up to one year.
If you have additional questions about the military registration of women, we advise you to consult a personal lawyer.
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