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26 Aug. 2022


Top 6 cities in the world where you can live comfortably on $1000




Top 6 cities in the world where you can live comfortably on $1000

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According to the Numbeo portal, there are 6 cities in the world where you can comfortably live on $1,000 a month. Let's talk about them in more detail. Perhaps one of these cities is your dream destination.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

In Argentina's capital city, the monthly cost per person, excluding rent, is about $425 per month. And rent costs start at $300 or more. The city will suit those interested in nightlife and cultural events.

Santiago, Chile

Life excluding rent in the Chilean capital will cost almost $600 per month. Renting an apartment in the city center starts at $400. About 35% of the country's population lives in this city. Many museums and top universities in Latin America are located here. A bonus is the magnificent mountain scenery.

Sofia, Bulgaria

It costs $570 a month to live in the Bulgarian capital. And to rent an apartment here you can start from $400 for an apartment in the center.

According to Numbeo, the quality of life in Sofia is comparable with Paris, but cost of living here is twice less.

Bursa, Turkey

You will need $486 a month to live in this Turkish city. To rent an apartment in the center here can be from 180 dollars. Bursa is the fourth largest city in the country and is often noted for its many parks, gardens and mountains of Uludag.

Monterey, Mexico

The cost of living in Mexico's most progressive city is $575 per month. Renting a place here can start at $365 outside the city center.

More than a million people live in this city, and the quality of life here is higher than in Paris or Milan. Monterey is considered one of the industrial centers of the country.

Cape Town, South Africa

A month of living in Cape Town will cost $522, and renting an apartment here - from 470 outside the city center. The city is famous for good weather and beautiful nature.

Travelers' health insurance should be purchased before traveling to any European country to cover medical bills in the event of unforeseen injuries or illness during the trip.