2 min

Travel How to save money on airline tickets: tips for travelers to help you travel economically

How to save money on airline tickets: tips for travelers to help you travel economically

Saving money on airfare is an important goal for many travelers. In particular, there are many ways to save money and avoid additional fees. Find out about the best days to book your tickets, savings on Ryanair flights, and many other useful tips to save your wallet

01 Oct. 2023

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3 min

War War in Ukraine: how does nature help the UAF defeat russian invaders?

War in Ukraine: how does nature help the UAF defeat russian invaders?

Ukrainian nature and geography have repeatedly helped the Ukrainian Armed Forces gain an advantage on the battlefield. Find out more about how fields, swamps, forests, mountains and rivers are fighting together with the army against the russians

01 Oct. 2023

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1 min

For refugees Japan will allow Ukrainians to stay with a long-term work visa: what is known

Japan will allow Ukrainians to stay with a long-term work visa: what is known

The Japanese Immigration Service has made an important decision regarding refugees from Ukraine. In particular, from now on, Ukrainians will be eligible for long-term residence in Japan with a work visa. Find out more when the relevant rules will come into force

01 Oct. 2023

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2 min

Way to Victory Day of Defenders of Ukraine: honoring the courage and devotion of heroes

Day of Defenders of Ukraine: honoring the courage and devotion of heroes

Today Ukraine celebrates one of the most important days for us and our country - the Day of Defenders of Ukraine. We sincerely congratulate and thank those who gave their lives for our freedom and continue to fight for the future and independence of Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to our Defenders!

01 Oct. 2023

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3 min

Travel Flights are being cancelled again in Europe due to COVID: where and for how long

Flights are being cancelled again in Europe due to COVID: where and for how long

The coronavirus infection is once again making its own adjustments in some European countries. In particular, restrictions have been imposed at one of the busiest airports in the EU due to the incidence. Find out more about the COVID situation in European countries and why tough measures had to be taken

30 Sep. 2023

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2 min

War Some categories of Ukrainians will not have their electricity cut off during possible blackouts: who will be lucky

Some categories of Ukrainians will not have their electricity cut off during possible blackouts: who will be lucky

With the onset of autumn and the first cold snap in Ukraine, the threat of hostile attacks on energy infrastructure and the use of blackout schedules is increasing. Find out more about who is not going to be cut off from electricity

30 Sep. 2023

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1 min

Popular Military registration for women, fast subway, and updated gas bills: what changes to expect from October 1

Military registration for women, fast subway, and updated gas bills: what changes to expect from October 1

Starting in early October, certain initiatives will be introduced into the country's social processes. In particular, October 1 will be an important date for some women who will be required to register for military service. Find out more about the changes to be expected and what transformations will be brought to the lives of citizens in various aspects

30 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Transport Women's compartments and the new rules of Ukrzaliznytsia: why are women asked not to spice things up?

Women's compartments and the new rules of Ukrzaliznytsia: why are women asked not to spice things up?

Ukrzaliznytsia's new instructions on the rules of behavior in women's compartments apply not only to prohibitions for men but also to women's clothing. Find out what the carrier offers and prohibits for female train passengers

30 Sep. 2023

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