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13 Mai. 2023


Ukraine has tightened requirements for social assistance: who will not be able to claim payments

Ukraine has tightened requirements for social assistance: who will not be able to claim payments

Despite the war, the state still pays social assistance to those who need it. But now the requirements for those who qualify for it have changed slightly. Find out more about the new rules and who will not be able to receive the funds

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More useful news in our Telegram channel

Ukrainians in need of social financial assistance could receive it from the state. However, the rules for receiving financial assistance have now changed somewhat. Read more about the updated requirements and who is no longer eligible for social assistance in this article. 

How have the requirements for people applying for social assistance changed? 

According to the latest amendments to Resolution No. 340 of 18.04.2023, the list of grounds on which Ukrainians cannot receive social benefits from the state has been expanded. 

From now on, you will not be eligible for social assistance from the state if:

• You are already receiving state assistance for single mothers;

• The state already pays you money on the basis of a low-income family.

It is noted that low-income families and single mothers will not be able to receive assistance from the state if any family member has made a purchase or transaction for more than UAH 50,000 during the entire year in the month before applying for social assistance. 

Such cases include purchases of:

• Land, house, apartment or other real estate;

• A car;

• Virtual assets, securities or other financial instruments;

• Expensive construction materials;

• Other long-term consumption items.

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Who will continue to receive social benefits from the state: exceptions 

Despite the expansion of the list of purchases after which Ukrainians will no longer be able to claim social assistance, there are certain exceptions: 

• Real estate purchased or received at the expense of the state;

• Purchase of a new house or apartment within 6 months after the sale of another property. It is noted that this exception applies to persons who own only one apartment or house;

• Purchase of cash or non-cash foreign currency and precious metals;

• Payments made on the basis of the acquisition of property rights to real estate or a vehicle;

• Receiving property as an inheritance;

• Charity;

• Financial assistance or loans;

• Medical, educational and housing and communal services that fall under the social norm of housing and social norms of housing and communal services.

Please note! The allowance will not be granted if the persons who are members of the family, as of the first day of the month from which the allowance is granted, have funds in a bank deposit account exceeding UAH 100 thousand or government bonds for the same amount, as indicated in the declaration.

As a reminder, Ukrainian citizens who have returned from Russian captivity can count on financial assistance from the state. For more information on payments, please follow the link.

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