Ukrainian companies continue to develop their brands and gain a place in the global market. Learn more about the results of MPP Consulting's research on the value of the most expensive Ukrainian brands
Media NV and MPP Consulting have jointly assessed the value of popular Ukrainian brands and presented the results of this study. According to the findings, Nova Poshta is the leader among domestic brands. The top 5 most expensive Ukrainian brands also include the national supermarket chain ATB, PrivatBank, and Rozetka.
The assessment took into account various factors, including investment potential, geographic distribution, level of technological development, competitiveness, unique brand identification, and financial performance.
Here are the top Ukrainian companies that topped the most expensive ranking in 2023.
Top of the most expensive brands in Ukraine
The leader of the rating is Nova Poshta. This company, which specializes in express delivery, has become a real icon in the field of logistics and delivery services, with an estimated value of $192 million.
The next in the top is ATB, a national supermarket chain, which is ranked second in the ranking with a brand value of $185 million. The company wins the hearts of customers with quality products and friendly service.
"PrivatBank is a state-owned bank ranked third with a brand value of $156 million. It plays a key role in the financial system of Ukraine and is a reliable partner for millions of customers.
The next company on the list is Rozetka, an online retailer ranked fourth with a brand value of $143 million.
The ranking also includes other well-known brands, such as Roshen confectionery corporation, Kyivstar telecom operator, Nasha Ryaba meat processing brand from MHP agricultural holding, as well as Oleina and Khortytsia, producers of sunflower oil and vodka, respectively.
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Which companies are included in the ranking?
In this list, 20% of brands are owned by retailers, including traditional stores and online platforms. Of these brands, three are owned by gas station chains and three by banks.
The ranking also includes three pharmaceutical companies and three vodka brands. Telecommunications companies, household goods manufacturers, and medical networks are also represented.
However, food products still dominate the rankings, accounting for 15 positions. These brands are represented in the confectionery, meat processing, dairy, juice, and other related segments. Four of the brands include sunflower oil producers.
"In terms of potential value, almost all brands have significantly lower valuation figures compared to previous years due to the economic downturn and sharp deterioration in the investment climate," explains Pavlo Melnyk, founder of MPP Consulting.
However, experts are confident that this is a temporary phenomenon, and in the future many Ukrainian brands can significantly increase their potential value. Development and innovation in branding promise Ukrainian companies new opportunities for growth and expansion in international markets.
We remind you! russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has led to an unprecedented wave of interest in Ukraine among foreigners. Read more about what is being googled abroad about Ukraine and what are the most popular queries in search engines in our previous article.
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