2 min

Travel Where faith began in Ukraine: the history of Orthodoxy in Eastern Europe

Where faith began in Ukraine: the history of Orthodoxy in Eastern Europe

Christianity appeared on the territory of Ukraine long before the baptism of Russia. At the state level, religion was approved during the time of Volodymyr the Great. Find out where faith began in Ukraine and how Kyiv became the center of Orthodoxy in Eastern Europe

15 Jul. 2024

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Popular How the name "Ukraine" appeared: history and myths

How the name "Ukraine" appeared: history and myths

For the first time, the name "Ukraine" appeared in the annals "The Tale of Bygone Years" in 1187, but our state was officially called that only in the 19th century. Find out where the name "Ukraine" comes from and what myths russian propaganda creates around it

15 Jul. 2024

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Transport Statistics of road accidents in Ukraine in 2024

Statistics of road accidents in Ukraine in 2024

Road accidents occur on Ukrainian roads every day for various reasons. Find out more about road accident statistics in Ukraine in 2024 and the regions where accidents occur most often

14 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Finance Ukrainian families can receive up to UAH 40,000 in assistance: who is eligible

Ukrainian families can receive up to UAH 40,000 in assistance: who is eligible

Some groups of Ukrainians can count on one-time assistance from 25 to 40 thousand hryvnias. However, the list of those who can count on assistance is not large. Find out how and to whom you can apply for assistance

14 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Krieg By mail, on the street and at work: how are summonses issued to Ukrainians and is it possible not to go to the military enlistment office?

By mail, on the street and at work: how are summonses issued to Ukrainians and is it possible not to go to the military enlistment office?

On 18 May, new rules for serving summonses came into force. Find out more about who can serve summonses under the new law, how to act after receiving them, in what cases you can refuse a summons, and what a "demand" to come to the TAC is

14 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Ausbildung How to confirm a Ukrainian diploma in Poland: important details

How to confirm a Ukrainian diploma in Poland: important details

If Ukrainians with higher education want to work in their specialty in Poland, they need to go through the procedure of diploma validation. Find out more about the ways you can confirm your diploma from a Ukrainian university in Poland

14 Jul. 2024

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3 min

Travel A new gastronomic route with the most interesting locations in Kyiv

A new gastronomic route with the most interesting locations in Kyiv

Kyiv is always beautiful, fascinatingly archaic, and incredibly tasty. That's why we've created a new gastronomic route that will allow you to taste the best dishes and drinks that have long become a local brand. Find out more about the most colorful places in Kyiv

14 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Insurance Travel insurance in 2024: what to pay attention to when taking out a policy

Travel insurance in 2024: what to pay attention to when taking out a policy

In today's reality, travelling without an insurance policy is almost impossible. During any trip, travel companies, intermediaries or the tourist himself takes out an insurance policy to protect himself from unpredictable situations far from his home. Find out what the main criteria to consider when choosing an insurance policy are

14 Jul. 2024

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