3 min

Krieg What exactly will change for Ukrainians on July 16?

What exactly will change for Ukrainians on July 16?

On July 16, the 60-day period allotted by the law on mobilization for updating military records expires. After that, men of conscription age may face fines. Find out more about the amount of fines for failure to update data

09 Jul. 2024

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Finance Steuererklärung für Ukrainer in Deutschland: Wer muss wann eine Steuererklärung abgeben und was sind die Folgen, wenn sie nicht abgegeben wird?

Steuererklärung für Ukrainer in Deutschland: Wer muss wann eine Steuererklärung abgeben und was sind die Folgen, wenn sie nicht abgegeben wird?

Ukrainer, denen in Deutschland vorübergehender Schutz gewährt wurde, müssen die örtlichen Steuergesetze einhalten. Erfahren Sie, wer wann eine Steuererklärung abgeben muss und welche Fristen einzuhalten sind, um Strafen zu vermeiden

09 Jul. 2024

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3 min

Travel Beach vacation: TOP-10 lakes of Lviv region for your weekend

Beach vacation: TOP-10 lakes of Lviv region for your weekend

Unfortunately, it is difficult to get to the sea now. But don't be discouraged, because Lviv residents have many alternative options for recreation. Find out more about the best beaches near Lviv where you can swim and relax

09 Jul. 2024

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Travel Vacation in Ukraine in 2024: how much does a vacation in Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv and the Carpathians cost?

Vacation in Ukraine in 2024: how much does a vacation in Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv and the Carpathians cost?

Summer is the best time to restore your emotional state a little and rest. Considering the closed airspace, more and more Ukrainians prefer traveling in Ukraine. Find out how much a vacation in Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv and the Carpathians costs in 2024 and what to see

09 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Popular Ukrenergo canceled the day without outages for Ukrainian regions: reasons

Ukrenergo canceled the day without outages for Ukrainian regions: reasons

The power company canceled the "day without outages" for Ukrainian regions from July 9 to July 24 and announced enhanced outage schedules for consumers. Find out the reasons for the cancellation and the new schedule

09 Jul. 2024

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Krieg UZ expands list of trains for priority booking by military: details

UZ expands list of trains for priority booking by military: details

"Ukrzaliznytsia" continues to transform its internal processes to provide seats on trains for military personnel in case of urgent travel. In particular, the company has announced the expansion of the list of trains and the timing of train reservations. Read more about this in our material

08 Jul. 2024

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Transport Technical inspection abroad: requirements for cars with Ukrainian registration

Technical inspection abroad: requirements for cars with Ukrainian registration

For those Ukrainians who have travelled abroad in their own car due to the war, it is advisable to research the laws and regulations of the country in which they are currently staying. Find out more about which countries require mandatory vehicle registration and whether you need to undergo a technical inspection

08 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Krieg Russia attacked Kyiv, Dnipro and Krivoy Rog with missiles: hospital destroyed, many dead

Russia attacked Kyiv, Dnipro and Krivoy Rog with missiles: hospital destroyed, many dead

Ukraine has suffered one of the largest missile strikes since the start of a full-scale war. Russian missiles damaged and destroyed residential buildings, a children's hospital and a maternity hospital. Learn about the consequences of the attack on Ukrainian infrastructure

08 Jul. 2024

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