2 min

Krieg Russia attacked Kyiv, Dnipro and Krivoy Rog with missiles: hospital destroyed, many dead

Russia attacked Kyiv, Dnipro and Krivoy Rog with missiles: hospital destroyed, many dead

Ukraine has suffered one of the largest missile strikes since the start of a full-scale war. Russian missiles damaged and destroyed residential buildings, a children's hospital and a maternity hospital. Learn about the consequences of the attack on Ukrainian infrastructure

08 Jul. 2024

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Transport Germany is developing a simplified mechanism for re-registration of cars from Ukraine: details

Germany is developing a simplified mechanism for re-registration of cars from Ukraine: details

The German government is actively working to create a simplified procedure for re-registering vehicles that came from Ukraine. This initiative is intended to make life easier for Ukrainians who were forced to leave their country due to the war. Read more about the update

08 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Documents It is possible to update military registration data in the TRC from abroad without returning to Ukraine: how to send a letter with documents?

It is possible to update military registration data in the TRC from abroad without returning to Ukraine: how to send a letter with documents?

Ukrainians living abroad can send documents through a third party or by mail, avoiding the need to come to Ukraine in person to update their military registration data. Find out what you need to do and how to send a letter to the TRC from abroad

08 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Travel Bitcoin Price in Tourism: How Does Cryptocurrency Affect Travel?

Bitcoin Price in Tourism: How Does Cryptocurrency Affect Travel?

The rapid development of digital technologies has significantly affected various sectors of the economy, including the tourism industry. Cryptocurrencies, in particular Bitcoin, are already used for payments in the industry. Experts predict that the number of transactions will increase over time. Learn how cryptocurrency is impacting the world of travel

08 Jul. 2024

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Documents Checking a military ID card when crossing the border for men: important details

Checking a military ID card when crossing the border for men: important details

Starting July 17, all men aged 18 to 60 will be checked for a military ID card when crossing the border. Learn more about the procedure

08 Jul. 2024

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Documents Documents abroad: what services are available to Ukrainians now?

Documents abroad: what services are available to Ukrainians now?

Ukrainians abroad can obtain the documents they need through the state-owned enterprise Document, as well as at consular offices. Find out what services are available and what rules for submitting and receiving documents are in effect in 2024

08 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Popular Zelensky's credibility has declined globally: where does the Ukrainian president have the least trust?

Zelensky's credibility has declined globally: where does the Ukrainian president have the least trust?

Many countries in Europe and beyond have conducted a poll regarding the level of trust in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The results showed that the Ukrainian leader's rating has fallen. Find out where and how Zelensky is trusted

07 Jul. 2024

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Insurance How much does a car insurance policy cost for 1 month and a year in 2024?

How much does a car insurance policy cost for 1 month and a year in 2024?

Motor third party liability insurance (MTPL) is a Ukrainian insurance policy that compensates victims of road accidents and is mandatory in the country. Learn more about current prices, terms and conditions and what determines the cost of the policy

07 Jul. 2024

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