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Documents In Hungary, Ukrainians will be able to obtain a residence permit even with an expired passport

In Hungary, Ukrainians will be able to obtain a residence permit even with an expired passport

The Hungarian government has adopted temporary rules that allow Ukrainian citizens to apply for a residence permit even if their passports have expired. Read more about the updated rules

18 Jun. 2024

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1 min

For foreigners in UA Migrants from Asia and Africa will start working on construction sites in Ukraine: what is the reason for the shortage of personnel

Migrants from Asia and Africa will start working on construction sites in Ukraine: what is the reason for the shortage of personnel

The labor shortage in Ukraine's construction industry is becoming increasingly acute, and hiring workers from Asia and Africa is becoming a necessary step for many companies. The war has caused a significant reduction in the number of officially registered workers in the construction sector over the past two years. Find out more about this in our article

18 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Travel Corporate tours in Ukraine in 2024: how to organize the best vacation for the team?

Corporate tours in Ukraine in 2024: how to organize the best vacation for the team?

A friendly atmosphere in the team is the key to the overall success of the company. Nothing unites a team like time spent together on a trip. Find out how to organize corporate tours in Ukraine in 2024 and who will be interested in it

18 Jun. 2024

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Documents Important update in Reserve+: from now on, a QR code is available instead of a military ID card

Important update in Reserve+: from now on, a QR code is available instead of a military ID card

The Reserve+ application now has a QR code that gives an electronic military registration document the legal force of a paper document. Find out about new opportunities for citizens liable for military service and how to get a QR code

18 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Krieg The Peace Summit: what was memorable, which countries changed their minds about supporting the communiqué and what you need to know

The Peace Summit: what was memorable, which countries changed their minds about supporting the communiqué and what you need to know

Most of the countries participating in the Peace Summit adopted a final document based on three important aspects that Ukraine insisted on. Find out how the event went in general, what the document was about and what to expect next

17 Jun. 2024

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Arbeit Labor shortage: Ukraine will have to invite migrants from other countries if refugees do not return

Labor shortage: Ukraine will have to invite migrants from other countries if refugees do not return

The labor shortage in Ukraine is already threatening the economy, and the situation will only get worse after the war. Find out about the reasons, possible solutions and experts' forecasts on how to attract migrants and increase labor productivity

17 Jun. 2024

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Insurance Ukrainians can take out health insurance online even while abroad. How to do it?

Ukrainians can take out health insurance online even while abroad. How to do it?

A health insurance policy is an important document that will be needed for a safe trip or stay abroad. Find out whether it is possible for a Ukrainian to take out a policy outside the country and how to do it

17 Jun. 2024

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1 min

Veranstaltungen Romania - Ukraine: where to watch the first match of the Ukrainian national team at Euro 2024

Romania - Ukraine: where to watch the first match of the Ukrainian national team at Euro 2024

Today the Ukrainian national team will start their journey to Euro 2024. The first opponent of Sergey Rebrov's wards will be Romania. Find out where and what time to watch the match, as well as bookmakers' predictions for the match

17 Jun. 2024

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