About the tour

The gold of the Carpathians is Verkhovyna

The gold of the Carpathians is Verkhovyna, a trip to the Carpathians from Ukraine for 3 days, relaxation in Bukovel, jeep riding, Dovbush Rocks

Date of the event: November 10-11-12, November 17-18-19, November 24-25-26

Tour program:

1 Day:

5:10 - Departure from Lutsk (hotel "Ukraine")

05.20 - Departure from Rivne (Pokrovsky shopping center, stop at the Flowers store).

8:30 - Departure from Ternopil

The time and place of departure from other cities will be specified individually.

Stop for breakfast.

Time for lunch (in the open air, in gazebos).

13.00 - 14.30 - Excursion to the Dovbush rocks - "The Mysterious World of the Rock City" (height up to 30 meters).

15.00 - Arrival at the place of residence and check in at the hotel.

15.30 - 18.30 - JEEP RIDING

Rest in a comfortable hotel, where in the evening we will be able to relax and recharge our batteries for the next day. Free time (grill, gazebo at your service). Dinner at the hotel (when booking a tour with meals).

Day 2:

08.30 - 09.00 - Wake up and have a good breakfast (when booking a tour with meals) and go on excursions!

10.00 - 11.00 - Museum-estate of Halyna Verkhovynka (Museum of Vyshyvanka)

11.10 - 12.10 - Visit the Roman Kumlyk Museum

12.20 - 13.30 - . Visit the museum of "Corkscrew"

13.30 - 14:30 - time for lunch

15.00 - 17.00 - To fully understand the Hutsuls, their character, customs, cuisine, we invite you to visit the Hutsul fun.

18.30 - return to the hotel, dinner (if you book a tour with meals).

*For everyone, an additional attraction - cooking in vats over low heat - is the most popular activity of the tour participants. Various dried herbs are added to the water to make the "soup of tourists" more flavorful. Cooking alternates with swimming in a cool mountain river that flows nearby. Such a contrast will help you keep your tone for a whole week and give you an unforgettable experience.

3 День:
08.30 – 08.30 – Знову ж таки всі прокидаємось і гарненько снідаємо.(При замовленні туру з харчуванням).
08.40 – Виселення з готелю (з речами).
09.00 – 12.00 — насолоджуємось відпочинком для душі на ГК Буковель!
13.00 – 15.00 – обідаємо та відвідуємо Яремчанський сувенірний ринок, тут надаємо Вам вільний час (Ви можете придбати цікаві сувеніри, милуватися красою водоспаду «Пробій», відвідати відомий ресторан «Гуцульщина»). На ринку Ви можете придбати різьблений кухоль, теплі в’язані шкарпетки з вовни, глиняний сервіз ручної роботи, традиційну вишиванку чи навіть теплий ліжник — все, чим багаті Карпати. Води Прута спадають вниз з висоти 8 метрів. Більшість карпатських водоспадів можна роздивитись лише з річкових долин, а Пробій — з усіх можливих ракурсів.
15.30 – виїзд з м. Яремче.
22.30– повернення до Рівного (орієнтовно). Час та місце повернення до інших міст уточнимо індивідуально.

Ціну вказано за одну людину в складі групи!
Тур проводиться українською мовою мовою!

The price of the tour includes:

travel by a comfortable bus or minibus; hotel accommodation in 2-, 3-, 4-bed rooms to choose from; guide-manager accompaniment along the entire route; insurance policy (group).

The price does not include and is paid additionally:

Dovbush rocks - 80 UAH, children - 40 UAH; Ticket for the chair lift in Bukovel - 250 UAH, children under 12 - 190 UAH; Hutsul Land - 250 UAH for adults, 200 UAH for children under 12, free for children under 6. Jeep riding (2500 UAH/ car; max. 6 people) Roman Kumlyk Museum - 50 UAH, children under 16 - 40 UAH. Museum of Embroidery - 50 UAH, children 40 UAH, ATO participants and children under 5 years old free Corkscrew Museum (tasting + tour) - 100 UAH, non-alcoholic tasting and children - 50 UAH, children under 6 years old - free. Hutsul fun - 270 - 350 UAH (depending on the group); breakfast, dinner - 100-150 UAH (when booking a tour without meals); services of a professional guide - divided into groups Personal expenses (souvenirs, etc.)

5 reasons to choose tour


A huge selection of excursions and active programs every day


Professional and charismatic guides


Rich tour at a low price


Comfortable hotel and bus


Departure from 3 cities is possible

Key landmarks


Active program

Excursion to Dovbush's rock, jeep riding, Halyna Verkhovynka's museum-estate (Vyshyvanka Museum), Roman Kumlyk Museum, Shtopor Museum, Hutsul fun, Bukovel Group

What is included?

hotel accommodation in 2-, 3-, 4-bed rooms to choose from;

hotel accommodation in 2-, 3-, 4-bed rooms to choose from;

guide-manager accompaniment along the entire route;

guide-manager accompaniment along the entire route;

insurance policy (group).

insurance policy (group).

*From each purchased tour, we transfer 10% to the Ukrainian Refugee Support Fund. All profits from press tours are transferred to the reconstruction of Ukraine.