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For refugees Expanding access to consular services: new institutions in new countries

Expanding access to consular services: new institutions in new countries

Since July 15, the network of consular offices abroad has expanded significantly. Twenty-four new offices were opened in 20 countries. Learn more about the peculiarities of providing consular services abroad

16 Jul. 2024

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Travel Vacation in glamping: what are these accommodations and where to look for them in Ukraine?

Vacation in glamping: what are these accommodations and where to look for them in Ukraine?

It is quite possible to rest as close to nature as possible, but with hotel-level comfort. All you need to do is stay at a glamping site. Find out what this new format of accommodation facilities is and where to look for glamping in Ukraine

16 Jul. 2024

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Transport Traffic violations in Ukraine will be documented in a new way: what do you need to know about the electronic protocol?

Traffic violations in Ukraine will be documented in a new way: what do you need to know about the electronic protocol?

Recently, it has become known that the National Police has introduced electronic protocols for documenting traffic violations by drivers. Find out more about the innovation and how it will improve the protocol preparation procedure

15 Jul. 2024

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Popular At home or at the fan zone: where to watch the 2024 Olympics in Ukraine

At home or at the fan zone: where to watch the 2024 Olympics in Ukraine

A special location will be launched in Ukraine for the Olympic Games, where you can cheer for athletes and have fun yourself. And for those who prefer to watch the Olympics from home, several streams will be launched to ensure that they don't miss the competition. Find out where the Olympics will be shown in Ukraine and what events are being prepared for sports fans

15 Jul. 2024

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Popular Trump became a presidential candidate after the assassination attempt and appears to have increased his lead over Biden

Trump became a presidential candidate after the assassination attempt and appears to have increased his lead over Biden

Donald Trump, who survived an assassination attempt the day before, has already spoken at the Republican Party convention and has become an official presidential candidate. Moreover, Trump has already introduced a potential vice-presidential running mate who is an open opponent of Ukraine funding. Find out who should become the second person in the United States in case of Trump's victory and what in general has been happening in the States for the last two days: the assassination attempt and the rise in the rating of the former US president

15 Jul. 2024

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Travel Travelling to Slovakia by car: rules for Ukrainians

Travelling to Slovakia by car: rules for Ukrainians

If you are planning to drive from Ukraine to Slovakia by your own car, you need to familiarise yourself with the rules for drivers in advance. Learn more about crossing the border, convenient routes from Ukraine to Slovakia and the nuances of traffic rules

15 Jul. 2024

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For refugees Czech Republic grants temporary protection status after other countries: important details

Czech Republic grants temporary protection status after other countries: important details

The Czech Republic is currently home to more than 300,000 Ukrainians who were forced to flee the war. This country provides asylum to refugees who have already enjoyed protection in other European countries. Learn more about how to obtain temporary protection in the Czech Republic after arriving from another European country

15 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Travel Where faith began in Ukraine: the history of Orthodoxy in Eastern Europe

Where faith began in Ukraine: the history of Orthodoxy in Eastern Europe

Christianity appeared on the territory of Ukraine long before the baptism of Russia. At the state level, religion was approved during the time of Volodymyr the Great. Find out where faith began in Ukraine and how Kyiv became the center of Orthodoxy in Eastern Europe

15 Jul. 2024

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