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04 Feb. 2023


Utilities in Poland: how much you will have to pay for gas, electricity and water in 2023

Für Flüchtlinge
Utilities in Poland: how much you will have to pay for gas, electricity and water in 2023

Ukrainians currently living in Poland are not exempted from paying for communal services. Find out how much you need to pay for gas, electricity and water in 2023 and the features of utility payments in the country

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Ukrainians who have found refuge in Poland face many everyday questions. Among them are housing rent and utility payments. Since the Polish system is different from the Ukrainian one, we tell you what you need to pay, what services are covered by "czynsz" and how much water supply, gas and heat cost in the country.

Peculiarities of utility payments

Depending on which city you live in and in which property (private or communal) the housing is located, utility tariffs depend.

For example, most buildings in Warsaw have a fixed cost of services, and Krakow has the largest number of apartments with meters for water, heating and electricity.

How much to pay for utility bills in Poland?

The average cost of utilities for a two-room apartment is PLN 400-650. In winter, the amount can increase to PLN 850 if the house is heated with gas.

The average cost of services is as follows:
• electricity - PLN 0.7 per 1 kW;
• water supply and drainage - PLN 8-11 per 2 m3;
• gas - PLN 1.5-1.6 per 1 m3;
• heating - PLN 2-3 per m2 (the tariff is calculated only in the heating season from October to April);
• removal of household waste - PLN 13 per person;
• television and Internet - PLN 50-60 for an unlimited package.

What is "czynsz" in Poland?

In the country, there is a concept of "czynsz", which means fixed payments that must be paid every month. Read more about what it is and what it includes.

"Szynsz" are administrative fees charged at fixed rates. That is, you pay for services that are not metered.

The amount of such payments can vary significantly even within the same city. This is influenced by the cooperative or community to which the accommodation belongs.

"Szynsz" covers:
• Payment of heating;
• payment for electricity in common areas of the building;
• the average monthly cost of water supply, determined by meter readings, which are checked every six months;
• removal of garbage;
• property tax.

On average, the amount for administrative services is up to PLN 250, depending on your city.

Importantly! Often, the price without "rent" is indicated in the advertisements for housing. This creates the illusion of a good price and misleads tenants. When choosing accommodation, check whether "szynsz" is included in the specified price.

We will add that there are payments that are determined by the administrator. They include:
• payment of property insurance;
• fee for maintenance of elevators and intercoms;
• contributions to the reconstruction fund, which include repair and insulation of the building, painting of the facade, stairs, sewer inspection, etc.;
• contributions that go to the salary of the cooperative's employees and the costs of care for the home territory.

Peculiarities of payment for electricity in Poland

The main difference with Ukraine is the ability to choose a supplier and change it as needed. That is, the approach is similar to choosing an Internet provider.
In particular, the Polish operator "Orange" offers packages that include the Internet, mobile communication and electricity supply.

The system of accruals is also different from the Ukrainian one. The supplier sends invoices with averaged monthly amounts, without taking into account actual meter readings. Twice a year there is a reconciliation, and the actual indicators are compared with the calculated ones - if the figure is different, you will either be refunded or asked to pay the difference. Based on the obtained indicators, you will be billed for the next six months, and after six months, adjustments will be made again.

Please note that in addition to the actual consumed kilowatts, apartment residents must also pay a subscription fee - approximately 13-14 zlotys.

There are two tariffs for electricity in Poland:

• Discount - valid from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The cost per kW is PLN 0.27;
• Basic - PLN 0.4 per kW.

We will remind you! Ukrainian families have the right to receive cash assistance for adults and children in 2023. Read about which programs of financial assistance to Ukrainian families are currently available in Poland and how to receive payments here.

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