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06 Aug. 2024


Legitimate reasons for stopping a car in Ukraine: checking car documents and algorithm of actions at checkpoints

Legitimate reasons for stopping a car in Ukraine: checking car documents and algorithm of actions at checkpoints

Anyone who drives their own car on Ukrainian roads should know a number of rules regarding car stops by the police. Find out more about the grounds for a legal car stop, what documents the police check for Ukrainian and foreign drivers, and how to behave at checkpoints

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Apply for a car insurance policy at Visit Ukraine - guaranteed protection on the road in just 5 minutes!

All drivers in Ukraine should be aware that there are a number of legal grounds for police to stop a car, and they are not always related to an offence. Also, due to the war in the country, all motorists should be familiar with the rules for passing checkpoints. We will tell you why the police can stop a car, what documents they check for Ukrainians and foreigners, and the rules for passing checkpoints in the article below.

● Violation of traffic rules;

● visible malfunction of the vehicle;

● the vehicle is wanted;

● if there is information that the driver or passengers are involved in an accident or offence;
● interviewing the driver or passengers who witnessed the accident or offence;

● to involve the driver or passengers as witnesses or to provide assistance to road users if necessary;
● if the relevant authority has decided to restrict or prohibit traffic;

● improper securing of cargo on the vehicle;

● violation of the rules for using light or sound signals;

● foreign licence plates to confirm the legality of driving on Ukrainian roads;

● if there is information about the escape of a prisoner of war.

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Checking car documents when stopped by the police

According to the law, before checking the documents, the police officer must state his or her surname, name and patronymic, rank, and show his or her service certificate, as well as clearly state the reason for the stop.

Keep in mind. The police officer has no right to take away your documents: they can only withdraw your licence by court order.

What documents must a driver present when stopped by the police?

● A driving licence of the appropriate category;
● a document certifying the registration of the vehicle;
● a document confirming the existence of compulsory civil liability insurance.

Remember, that a motor third party liability insurance policy is mandatory for every vehicle with Ukrainian registration.

A valid motor third-party liability insurance policy (MTPL) is a guarantee of compensation for damages in the event of an accident. On Visit Ukraine, you can buy a CTP insurance policy from a licensed insurer. Packages with a deductible of UAH 3200, UAH 1600 and UAH 0 are available.

Important! When stopping a vehicle driven by a foreign citizen, the Ukrainian police usually check the passport, international driving licence, vehicle registration documents, and Green Card insurance policy. Additionally, a visa or temporary residence permit may be required.

It is also worth noting that driving along a road section with a checkpoint is a direct reason for stopping the car and checking the documents of the driver and passengers.

Checking documents at checkpoints

Checkpoints are an integral part of modern life in Ukraine under martial law. That is why every driver should know the rules of behaviour on these road sections.

Algorithm of actions when passing a checkpoint:

● slow down in advance to have enough time to manoeuvre;
● prepare all the necessary documents (passport, driving licence, vehicle registration certificate, insurance). Men should also have their military registration document with them and present it upon request;
● switch off the radio and video recorder in advance;
● stop in front of the appropriate line when instructed to do so;
● switch off the headlights and roll down the windows;
● provide all necessary documents for inspection.

Just a reminder. Due to the martial law, drivers should be careful when using dashcams on the territory of Ukraine. Read here to find out whether you can drive with a dashcam and on which road sections you should switch it off.

Photo: National Police of Ukraine

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Your car is under reliable protection with a motor third party liability insurance policy from Visit Ukraine. Take out a policy quickly and without any hassle, get favourable insurance conditions and full protection in case of an accident. With a motor third party liability insurance policy from Visit Ukraine, you will always be sure of your safety on the roads of Ukraine.

Do you have additional questions? Contact the Visit Ukraine hotline (Telegram | WhatsApp).

We recommend purchasing it for a safe and comfortable trip to Ukraine: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance – safe travel in Ukraine (insurance covering military risks);

Visit Ukraine Legal advice – comprehensive legal support on entry to Ukraine;
Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours – the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

Visit Ukraine Hotels – hotels for a comfortable stay in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Merch – patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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gestellte Fragen
Aus welchen Gründen kann die Polizei ein Auto anhalten?
Bei Verstößen gegen die Verkehrsregeln oder die Regeln für die Verwendung von Licht- oder Tonsignalen, wenn das Auto nicht funktioniert oder gesucht wird, wenn es Informationen gibt, dass der Fahrer oder die Insassen in einen Unfall oder eine Straftat verwickelt waren oder Zeuge davon waren, um den Fahrer oder die Insassen als Zeugen zu befragen oder um Verkehrsteilnehmern zu helfen, wenn es eine Entscheidung gibt, den Verkehr einzuschränken oder zu verbieten, wenn die Ladung nicht ordnungsgemäß gesichert ist, wenn sich ausländische Nummernschilder am Auto befinden und wenn es Informationen über die Flucht eines Kriegsgefangenen gibt.
Kann ich nach dem Grund für die Kontrolle fragen?
Was muss ein Autofahrer wissen, wenn er von der Polizei angehalten wird?
Welche Dokumente muss ich der Polizei vorlegen, wenn ich ein Auto anhalte?
Welche Dokumente muss ein ausländischer Fahrer vorlegen, wenn er von der Polizei angehalten wird?
Wer hat das Recht, an der Kontrollstelle Dokumente zu überprüfen?
Was muss ich an der Kontrollstelle vorlegen?

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