2 min

Transport Lviv public transport will offer free transfers for 40 minutes: details

Lviv public transport will offer free transfers for 40 minutes: details

Starting July 1, Lviv will start testing a new public transportation system - passengers will be able to transfer for free. Find out how it works and what you need to know to use the new service

30 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Popular Fuel prices, mobilisation and pensions: the main changes for Ukrainians from 1 July

Fuel prices, mobilisation and pensions: the main changes for Ukrainians from 1 July

The second month of summer will bring some changes for Ukrainians, which will affect the financial situation of citizens and other aspects of life. Find out what changes to expect from the first days of July and throughout July

30 Jun. 2024

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3 min

Travel Masha Sebova tells about secret places in Lviv where locals go

Masha Sebova tells about secret places in Lviv where locals go

Have you come to Lviv once again, seen all the must-see sights, and don't know what else to do in this place? We have prepared for you a selection of places in the Lion City where the locals go. Find out more about the best locations in Lviv on the recommendation of Masha Sebova

29 Jun. 2024

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1 min

BusinessUA Ukraine is one of the leading countries in Europe in the number of AI companies: rating

Ukraine is one of the leading countries in Europe in the number of AI companies: rating

Ukraine has a great potential in the field of artificial intelligence and several hundred companies specialising in this field have already been opened in the country. Find out where Ukraine ranks in Europe in terms of the number of AI companies and what the government forecasts for the growth of this sector

29 Jun. 2024

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3 min

Regeln für die Einreise Crossing the border with a cat, dog and other pets in 2024: rules for importing animals to Europe

Crossing the border with a cat, dog and other pets in 2024: rules for importing animals to Europe

Traveling with pets abroad requires advance preparation, as vaccinations and paperwork require consistency and time. Find out how to travel with pets, what you need to do, and what are the requirements for importing pets to the EU

29 Jun. 2024

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3 min

Transport Traffic rules, fines and toll roads in Italy: important nuances for drivers

Traffic rules, fines and toll roads in Italy: important nuances for drivers

Italy is a popular country among labor migrants and tourists, many of whom come here by car. That's why we've created a comprehensive guide for you to help you feel confident on the road and avoid hefty fines. Learn more about the peculiarities of traffic rules, the most common fines and the cost of toll roads in Italy

29 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Travel Olympic Games in Paris: where to stay and what to do

Olympic Games in Paris: where to stay and what to do

The French capital is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Every year, millions of tourists come there to enjoy the city of love and spend an unforgettable time. This year, there is an even better opportunity to visit Paris during the Olympics. An unprecedented flow of tourists, festivals and sporting events - all of this starts in less than a month. Find out what to eat in Paris and where to stay during the Olympics

29 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Popular Where smoking is prohibited in Ukraine: list of places and fines for violations

Where smoking is prohibited in Ukraine: list of places and fines for violations

The ban on smoking in public places applies to both regular cigarettes and electronic smoking devices. Find out where smoking is prohibited and what liability is provided for violations

29 Jun. 2024

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