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24 Sep. 2024


Interesting facts about Kyiv that you probably haven't heard before

Interesting facts about Kyiv that you probably haven't heard before

Kyiv is one of the oldest cities in Ukraine, hiding many secrets and mysteries. Many of them are unknown even to locals who have lived here for centuries. Find out what interesting facts the capital of Ukraine hides from prying eyes and plunge into the world of secrets of the ancient city

Tours to unbreakable Ukraine. Find out more on the website
Tours to unbreakable Ukraine. Find out more on the website

Kyiv has existed for about 1500 years. During this time, it has been part of various states and empires, suffered occupation and destruction, received ambassadors from famous countries and educated its own opinion leaders. Every street here has its own history, and every house remembers the past. Find out the most interesting facts about the capital of Ukraine that you have most likely never heard before in our article.

A little bit about the history of the city of Kyiv

1. The city is located on the Dnipro cliffs. Those who know history remember that three brothers - Kyi, Shchek and Khoriv - founded Kyiv. Shchek and Khoriv settled on the mountains, which were named, respectively, Shchekavytsia and Khorevytsia. Did your sister Lybid get her recognition? Yes! A river in Kyiv is named after her, which flows first underground and then in a concrete channel. By the way, the Lybidska metro station was also named after the ancient princess.

2. In the 11th century, Kyiv was the largest city in Europe - it was 50 times larger than London and 10 times larger than Paris.

3. Kyiv launched the first electric tram on this territory, the third in Eastern Europe, and the sixteenth in Europe. This significant event took place on 13 June 1892.

4. Askold and Dir, according to ancient chronicles, were among the first princes to come here after Kyi, Shchek, and Khoriv. Did Prince Dir really exist? This question has arisen for historians quite recently, as documents have been found that confirmed the reign of Askold himself. Where is the second prince, Dir? And did he really exist? This question remains open, as does the question of the existence of the legendary Askold's Chronicle, which would shed light on several centuries of the history of the Ukrainian capital.

5. Yaroslav the Wise was one of the most famous Kyivan princes, known for his educational activities. He collected an incredible library, which is believed to have been lost after the Mongol-Tatar wars of conquest. Some say that it is in the basements of the Kyiv Pechersk Monastery, some say that it perished in the flames of several wars, and some are desperately looking for the wise prince's greatest treasure. Which one will you join?

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What do you know about the legends of ancient Kyiv?

1. Do you remember the fairy tale in which Kyrylo Kozhumiaka ploughed the land with a snake? That's how the Snake Vales appeared. But Kyivans have a legend that the snake did not die, but Cyril imprisoned it in the Kyiv dungeons. St Cyril's Church was built on that spot to prevent the ferocious beast from getting out. To this day, tremors are sometimes heard from underground. Geologists say it's tectonic movements, and Kyivans say it's a snake breaking free.

2. In another place, there is a legend that a large cross once stood on the site of St Andrew's Church, when the Dnipro was still a sea. St Andrew the First-Called erected this cross, after which the sea fell and the land was formed. By the way, this is the main reason for the absence of bells in St Andrew's Church. They say that with the first sound of the bells, the water will rise and flood Kyiv.

3. Kyiv is the most mystical and the most religious city at the same time. There is an extraordinary number of bald mountains here - yes, there is more than one, as Gogol wrote! It is said that witches from all over Ukraine come to the bald mountain in Vydubychi.

4. The ‘House of Chimeras’ is also shrouded in legends. The locals say that only the Gorodetsky family can live here, and that everyone else will be unhappy. So, according to local belief, the ‘house with chimeras’ is not the best place to do business.

5. No one knows exactly when St Sophia's Church, one of the most magnificent churches in Kyiv, was built. Some say that it was built on the site of Yaroslav the Wise's victory over the Pechenegs - this is the most common legend. But historians have doubts and cannot name one specific date, so the legend is actively spreading.

Find out more legends and folk tales on the Mysticism and Legends of Kyiv tour .

Kyiv is a record-breaking city

1. Kyiv TV tower - the tallest lattice structure in the world (385 m)

2. ‘Arsenalna - the deepest metro station in the world (105.5 m)

3. Pedestrian bridge to Trukhaniv Island - the longest in Europe (about 430 m)

4. The longest towel with Ukrainian ornaments made of Lego (6.9 m)

5. Engineering Lane - the shortest street in the world (83 m)

Interested? You canfind out equally interesting facts about Ukraine that you definitely didn't know before by following the link.

Photo: Evening Kyiv

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asked questions

How many years has Kyiv existed?

Kyiv has been around for about 1500 years.

Who founded Kyiv?

When was the first tram launched in Ukraine?

Which metro station is the deepest in the world?

What is the shortest street in the world?

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