2 min

Popular The Ukrainian language is becoming more prevalent on social media: more than 90% of Instagram posts in 2023 were created in Ukrainian

The Ukrainian language is becoming more prevalent on social media: more than 90% of Instagram posts in 2023 were created in Ukrainian

The Nightingale language is gaining popularity among the population. A significant development in the use of the Ukrainian language on social media was noted in 2023. This trend demonstrates the growing interest of users in using their native language in the online environment and support for national cultural heritage. Find out more about the regions where Ukrainian is used the most

04 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Transport Lufthansa's City Airlines: what is known about the new airline in Europe?

Lufthansa's City Airlines: what is known about the new airline in Europe?

The German airline announced the launch of a new carrier that will operate medium-haul flights. Find out more about the new subsidiary and when and where new flights will be available

04 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Travel How traveling will be popular: the main travel trends of the future are named

How traveling will be popular: the main travel trends of the future are named

The State Agency for Tourism Development has identified key tourism trends that will shape the future development of the tourism industry. These trends include a wide range of aspects, from environmental sustainability and support for local communities to the popularity of new, lesser-known destinations and gastronomic tourism. Find out more about what travel will be relevant

04 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Health Hepatitis A epidemic in Ukraine: what is the danger and can the disease spread throughout the country?

Hepatitis A epidemic in Ukraine: what is the danger and can the disease spread throughout the country?

A state of emergency has been declared in Vinnytsia region due to an outbreak of hepatitis A, and there are also cases of hepatitis in other regions of Ukraine. Find out why the epidemic is dangerous, how to prevent the disease, and whether there is a threat to the whole of Ukraine

04 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Transport Ukraine amended traffic rules: what innovations have been introduced for drivers

Ukraine amended traffic rules: what innovations have been introduced for drivers

The government has introduced significant changes to the Traffic Rules to bring them closer to EU standards. Find out more about the innovations and how they are aimed at improving road safety and increasing the efficiency of transport in Ukraine

03 Nov. 2023

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Events Day of Rocket Artillery and Engineering Forces of Ukraine: who they are and what challenging tasks they perform

Day of Rocket Artillery and Engineering Forces of Ukraine: who they are and what challenging tasks they perform

Ukrainian missileers, artillerymen and engineers continue to destroy the enemy on the battlefield, risking their lives as well as demonstrating their professionalism and dedication to their country. Find out exactly what missions these military personnel perform and why they are considered among the best in the world

03 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Transport Blockade of checkpoints: Polish carriers postpone the start of the strike on the border with Ukraine

Blockade of checkpoints: Polish carriers postpone the start of the strike on the border with Ukraine

Polish carriers have decided to postpone the start date of their protest, which involves blocking checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border. Instead of starting on November 3, the action is now scheduled for November 6. Find out the details of the planned strike and what the protest organizers are demanding

03 Nov. 2023

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2 min

For refugees With whom can I leave my child in Poland if I need to leave the country for a certain period of time?

With whom can I leave my child in Poland if I need to leave the country for a certain period of time?

Many Ukrainians need to leave a country that has granted temporary protection for a certain period of time in order to solve certain issues, e.g. in Ukraine. Find out who you can legally leave your minor child with in Poland in order to leave for business

03 Nov. 2023

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