2 min

War How can support for Israel and the events in Gaza affect global support for Ukraine?

How can support for Israel and the events in Gaza affect global support for Ukraine?

The IDF has launched a ground operation in Gaza to completely destroy the Hamas group, but many countries, as well as the UN, do not support these actions. Find out how and why Ukraine's position on Israel could harm the country and whether it will affect support for Ukraine

01 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Popular How was the European Union formed and how could Ukraine help it?

How was the European Union formed and how could Ukraine help it?

Today, the European Union, the strongest political union, celebrates its birthday. Find out more about how an economic community turned into such a powerful and influential union

01 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Transport The Polish-Ukrainian border will be closed by the end of the year: what is the reason?

The Polish-Ukrainian border will be closed by the end of the year: what is the reason?

On November 3, Polish carriers plan to go on strike at the Ukrainian border. Previously, they were limited to one checkpoint, but now they plan to block all available entrances from Ukraine. Find out more about how long the action is planned and the reason for the strikes

31 Oct. 2023

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2 min

War Is putin really dead?

Is putin really dead?

Dictator putin may have died at his residence on October 26, but there is no substantiated evidence of this. Find out who benefits from spreading this information and what Ukrainian intelligence says

31 Oct. 2023

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2 min

Documents Entry to Ukraine for Armenian citizens: do foreigners need a visa in 2023?

Entry to Ukraine for Armenian citizens: do foreigners need a visa in 2023?

Armenians can enter the territory of Ukraine on the basis of a visa-free regime. However, there are cases when foreign citizens need to apply for a visa. Find out more about the rules for entering Ukraine from Armenia and what documents are required to apply for a visa

31 Oct. 2023

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2 min

War The war in Ukraine: how many consecutive days has there been no air raid alert in the country's regions?

The war in Ukraine: how many consecutive days has there been no air raid alert in the country's regions?

The full-scale russian invasion has been going on for more than 615 days, with the aggressor country attacking Ukraine with various types of weapons every day. Find out in which regions of the country air raid warnings are most frequent and how many consecutive days Ukrainians have not heard a threat announcement

31 Oct. 2023

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2 min

Popular What time is it in Ukraine?

What time is it in Ukraine?

On the last weekend of October, clocks in Ukraine were set back one hour. Find out why this tradition still exists, what the time difference between Ukraine and other countries is now, and why the changeover to summer and winter time has not yet been canceled

31 Oct. 2023

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2 min

War Malta hosts summit on Zelensky's Peace Formula: results of the meeting

Malta hosts summit on Zelensky's Peace Formula: results of the meeting

Malta hosted the third meeting of National Security Advisors and Foreign Policy Advisors on the Formula for Peace proposed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The meeting, which took place on October 28, brought together delegations from 66 countries and international organizations, including representatives from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Find out what issues were discussed at the summit and what are the results of the meeting

30 Oct. 2023

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