3 min

Events World Plastic Bag Free Day: Why is plastic pollution a global problem?

World Plastic Bag Free Day: Why is plastic pollution a global problem?

The plastic epidemic is a threat whose consequences will affect all living beings on planet Earth. Find out what the level of plastic pollution is in the world today and how each of us can make a difference

03 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Travel Traveling in Ukraine: how many Ukrainians are planning a vacation this summer

Traveling in Ukraine: how many Ukrainians are planning a vacation this summer

The number of Ukrainians traveling in Ukraine has almost returned to pre-war levels. Find out how many citizens are planning a trip this summer and how the survey results differ in different regions of Ukraine

03 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Cost of living The cost of living in Europe: in which EU countries is it most profitable to live?

The cost of living in Europe: in which EU countries is it most profitable to live?

The cost of living in different European countries varies significantly. Find out where to live in the most cost-effective way, taking into account the prices of food, alcohol, clothing, restaurants and transportation

03 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Culture What does the discovery of British Hurricane aircraft near Kyiv mean?

What does the discovery of British Hurricane aircraft near Kyiv mean?

During archaeological excavations near Kyiv, 8 British Hurricane fighters from World War II were found. Find out what kind of planes they are and why the discovery revealed another lie of the kremlin authorities

03 Jul. 2023

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3 min

Popular International Sports Journalist Day: 8 famous Ukrainian sports journalists and commentators known all over the world

International Sports Journalist Day: 8 famous Ukrainian sports journalists and commentators known all over the world

Many Ukrainian sports journalists and commentators have received prestigious international awards. Learn about 8 famous Ukrainian personalities who have built successful careers in sports journalism

02 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Transport Flight and train cancelations in Europe: what changes to expect in July

Flight and train cancelations in Europe: what changes to expect in July

Recent months in Europe have been characterized by a large number of protests among transport workers. Find out how this affects the functioning of transportation and where to expect flight cancelations in July

02 Jul. 2023

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3 min

Finance Pensions, fuel prices, water and electricity tariffs, end of quarantine: what will change in July

Pensions, fuel prices, water and electricity tariffs, end of quarantine: what will change in July

Prices and tariffs are expected to rise in July. Many changes will affect finance and business. Pension increases, end of the pandemic, and ban on e-cigarettes: find out what Ukrainians can expect

02 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Popular Where does Ukraine stand in the updated ranking of the world's best countries?

Where does Ukraine stand in the updated ranking of the world's best countries?

The new report on the Statehood Index (Stlx) includes an analysis of 173 countries. Find out which countries are in the top 10 and what place Ukraine took in the updated ranking

02 Jul. 2023

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