3 min

Documents Changes in the procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship: new rules and requirements

Changes in the procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship: new rules and requirements

This year, a draft law will come into force to tighten the rules for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship. Find out how the procedure will change and what to expect for foreigners planning to obtain Ukrainian citizenship

08 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Events Family Day in Ukraine: how has war and separation affected Ukrainian families?

Family Day in Ukraine: how has war and separation affected Ukrainian families?

On July 8, Ukraine celebrates an important holiday - Family Day. Find out how Ukrainian families have changed because of the war and tips to help keep family warmth despite separation

08 Jul. 2023

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3 min

Entry rules What do you need to know before traveling to Ukraine?

What do you need to know before traveling to Ukraine?

Traveling, and especially moving to Ukraine, is primarily associated with a lot of questions. Learn all about the rules, documents, prohibitions and restrictions, as well as tourism and life in Ukraine for foreigners

08 Jul. 2023

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3 min

Education Will a young man under 18 be allowed to go abroad to study if he comes to Ukraine for a vacation?

Will a young man under 18 be allowed to go abroad to study if he comes to Ukraine for a vacation?

Martial law in Ukraine restricts the right to travel for men of military age (18 to 60 years old). Find out under what circumstances a minor studying abroad may not be allowed to leave Ukraine

08 Jul. 2023

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1 min

Finance Payments for children in Poland: what programs have started accepting applications?

Payments for children in Poland: what programs have started accepting applications?

Ukrainian refugees with children in Poland can receive financial assistance under several programs. Find out what amounts are involved and what is required to receive child benefits

08 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Popular Is it obligatory to pay utility bills for Ukrainians who have moved abroad and who may not pay their bills

Is it obligatory to pay utility bills for Ukrainians who have moved abroad and who may not pay their bills

A large number of Ukrainians have had to leave their homes empty and move abroad because of the war. Find out more about whether those who do not currently live at home have to pay utility bills

07 Jul. 2023

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3 min

Travel Why do people travel to Ukraine: the most visited places

Why do people travel to Ukraine: the most visited places

The security situation in Ukraine does not stop foreign tourists from seeing the beauty of Ukrainian nature and the atmosphere of its cities with their own eyes. Find out why Ukraine attracts so many tourists despite the full-scale war and where people go most often

07 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Culture On Kupala’s Eve: The History of the Holiday, Traditions, and Prohibitions

On Kupala’s Eve: The History of the Holiday, Traditions, and Prohibitions

Every year on the night of 6 to 7 July, Ukraine celebrates Ivan Kupala Day. Learn more about the history and traditions of the holiday

07 Jul. 2023

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