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15 Mär. 2024


Border crossing rules to enter Ukraine: Recommendations VisitUkraine.Today

Regeln für die Einreise
Tourists in Ukraine
For foreigners in UA
Border crossing rules to enter Ukraine: Recommendations VisitUkraine.Today

Today, you can enter Ukraine only by land, and there are several important details to consider in order to cross the border quickly. Find out how to prepare for a trip to Ukraine and what you need to pass passport control

War risk insurance is a guarantee of your protected stay on the territory of Ukraine
War risk insurance is a guarantee of your protected stay on the territory of Ukraine

For all foreign citizens, entry into Ukraine begins with crossing the border and passing through passport control. Currently, entry is possible only by land, in particular, through checkpoints on the borders with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova. Read more about the checkpoints' operating hours and workload here.

We have prepared a universal checklist to help you prepare in advance for crossing the Ukrainian border.

For more information on the rules for entering Ukraine by car with foreign registration, please follow this link.

Permanent residence permit in Ukraine: the procedure and required documents.

General rules for foreigners entering Ukraine

Authorized officials of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine are guided by the Law of Ukraine "On Border Control" and grant a foreigner or stateless person permission to cross the state border of Ukraine provided that:

1. A valid passport (the passport must be valid for the entire period of stay in the country). Citizens of Turkey and Georgia can enter Ukraine on the basis of an ID card;

2. Absence of a decision of the authorized state body of Ukraine to ban entry to Ukraine;

3. An entry visa, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of Ukraine (instructions on how to apply for a visa are available here);

4. Confirmation of the purpose of the planned stay;

5. Availability of sufficient financial support for the period of the planned stay and for returning to the state of origin / transit to a third state / the possibility of obtaining sufficient financial support in a legal way on the territory of Ukraine.

6. Availability of an appropriate insurance policy (due to the martial law imposed on the territory of Ukraine, any foreign insurance automatically terminates after crossing the Ukrainian border; we recommend taking out insurance with coverage of military risks, which will cover not only standard medical care/treatment/diagnosis, etc. but also accidents and injuries caused by passive or direct military risks).

You can apply for travel insurance online in 3 minutes on VisitUkraine.Today. Follow the link and choose an insurance policy with the appropriate coverage and indemnity amount for the required period.

D-14 spouse visa for entry to Ukraine: who can apply for it and how to do it?

How can a foreigner move to live in Ukraine? Find out here.

How to check the ban on entry to Ukraine?

To find out whether a foreigner has a valid entry ban to Ukraine, you must submit an application in advance for a possible entry ban decision against a foreigner or stateless person.

The application must be submitted in person and/or sent in writing (sealed in an envelope) to the address of the Main Center for Processing Special Information of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. 

How to act in case of refusal to enter Ukraine can be found here.

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How to confirm the purpose of entry to Ukraine?

The easiest and most effective way to justify the purpose of your visit to Ukraine is to have a notarized invitation from Ukrainian citizens - relatives, acquaintances, friends, etc.

In the absence of an invitation, the purpose of the visit can be justified by

– hotel reservations or apartment rental agreements

– travel vouchers;

– invitations/tickets to seminars, exhibitions, fairs;

– documents confirming the need for treatment in medical institutions;

– written confirmation of a meeting, conference, etc;

– invitations from companies and organizations;

– a visa or tickets to a third country (to justify the purpose of the trip "transit to a third country").

When obtaining visas at the consulates of third countries (e.g., the United States) in Ukraine, the purpose of the visit must be confirmed by an appropriate document (e.g., a completed application form, an appointment with the Consulate).

How to apply for an extension of stay in Ukraine for foreigners and stateless persons: instructions here.

How much money do I need to have to enter Ukraine?

Entry and stay of foreigners on the territory of Ukraine is subject to the availability of sufficient funds or the possibility to legally obtain these funds (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 884 of 04.12.2013). Financial security checks are carried out by authorized officials of the State Border Guard Service on a selective basis, i.e. there is always a possibility that you will not have to prove your solvency.

The calculation of the amount of money necessary for living in Ukraine is made according to the formula: FS = ((20 × LW) ÷ 30) × (ND + 5), where

FS - sufficient financial security

LW - subsistence minimum per person per month

ND - number of days spent in Ukraine

According to the methodology for calculating the minimum amount that a foreigner must have to visit Ukraine, the subsistence minimum established on the day of entry into the country is taken for calculation.

Starting from January 1, 2024, the subsistence minimum for 1 person per month is UAH 2920.

Thus, the required amount for an adult for 7 days:

((20×2920 UAH): 30) x (7+5) = 23,360 hryvnias (which is ~ $600)

Holders of a residence permit in Ukraine, minor children, diplomats, refugees, and cruise tourists are exempt from financial verification. Other categories of citizens need only present the following documents to confirm that they have sufficient financial security

– cash in hryvnia or other convertible foreign currency;

– bank cards, ATM statements and receipts;

– a letter of guarantee from the host party undertaking to pay all expenses incurred by the foreigner in connection with his/her stay in Ukraine and travel abroad;

– confirmation of booking or payment for accommodation and meals;

– a contract for tourist services (voucher, voucher);

– a travel ticket for returning to the country of permanent residence or to a third country with a fixed date.

Please note that any document must be written in English or translated into English so that representatives of the Border Guard Service can read it.

We would also like to emphasize that due to the martial law, certain restrictions are in force on the territory of Ukraine. Read more about the rules of behavior and security measures in our previous article.

Photo: IvanSemenovich/Depositphotos

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

We recommend purchasing it for a safe and comfortable trip to Ukraine: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance – safe travel in Ukraine (insurance covering military risks);

Visit Ukraine Legal advice – comprehensive legal support on entry to Ukraine;
Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours – the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

Visit Ukraine Hotels – hotels for a comfortable stay in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Merch – patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

© 2018-2023, Visit Ukraine. Use, copying or reprinting of materials on this site is permitted only with a link (hyperlink for online publications) to Visit Ukraine.

All rights reserved.

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