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09 Nov. 2022


Polish language certificate: changes are planned for taking exams for foreigners

For refugees
Polish language certificate: changes are planned for taking exams for foreigners

Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car
Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car

In Poland, they may soon change the procedure for passing the exam on knowledge of the Polish language for foreign citizens. In particular, the changes provide for the expansion of the circle of foreigners who can receive a certificate, and the list of institutions where it will be possible to take the exam. 

Note that citizens who pass such an exam confirm knowledge of the Polish language.

This is mandatory if foreigners in Poland want to:

• obtain Polish citizenship (level B1);

• obtain an EU long-term resident card (B1);

• enter a university with the Polish language of instruction (B1 - B2, depending on the faculty);

• enroll in other educational institutions (different levels);

• to find a job in certain professions, as a rule, related to work with citizens;

• levels can be different, depending on the qualifications of the employee.

What will change in the exam procedure?

One of the changes will affect the list of persons who can receive a certificate of knowledge of the Polish language. This list will be expanded:

• foreigners who write and defend a doctoral dissertation in foreign universities in Polish will be able to obtain a certificate for the level of language proficiency C1;

• graduates of Polish schools at diplomatic missions, consular offices and military missions of Poland will be able to obtain a certificate at the level of language proficiency B1;

• persons who complete studies in Polish at a foreign university will be able to obtain a certificate of language proficiency under the same conditions as graduates of Polish educational institutions. Now it is not provided by law;

• a certificate at level B1 will be available to those who graduate from a foreign secondary school teaching in Polish.

The law also provides for the expansion of the list of facilities that can organize such an exam. If the bill is passed, the exam can be taken at:

• Polish and foreign educational institutions that have been teaching the specialty "Polish philology" for the last 2 years or organizing Polish courses for foreigners for the last 3 years;

• Polish and foreign language schools that have been teaching Polish for the last 4 years, including foreigners;

• Polish public institutions for advanced training of teachers, public schools and institutions of an experimental nature, public lifelong learning institutions;

• consular and other diplomatic representations of Poland abroad or Polish institutions abroad, which are subordinate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

Prices will change. How much will the exam, certificate and its duplicate cost?

Thus, after the bill is approved, the maximum payment, which is currently set in euros, will be transferred to zlotys at the average rate over the past 5 years: 1 euro = PLN 4.4014.

The exam for minors today costs 90 euros, for adults: level A - 120 euros; level B - 150 euros; level C - 180 euros.

The bill also proposes to change the fee for re-checking and evaluating the work in the written part of the exam: from 20 euros to 20% of the maximum cost of the exam.

At the same time, they plan to charge PLN 100 for issuing a certificate or its duplicate.

When can the Polish government adopt the above amendments?

This draft law has already passed consultations and soon various government commissions will give their conclusions. After that, it will be submitted for government approval, and then submitted to the Seimas.

You can see how the bill is progressing here.

Recall! A free platform for learning foreign languages, including Polish, has been launched in Ukraine. Read more about this in our article.