House All Risks Insurance + War Risks
House insurance is a reliable financial shield that protects your property from unforeseen events and destructive consequences. An insurance policy guarantees the owner compensation for the costs of restoring a private house and property in the event of an insured event. Thus, home insurance is a powerful tool for minimizing financial risks, which allows the policyholder to feel confident in any unfavorable circumstances.
The key reasons to invest in home insurance are:
● Full compensation for losses in various damage scenarios (including war);
● Financial protection of real estate and property for the amount you choose (from UAH 125 thousand to UAH 2 million);
● Compensation for damage to neighbors if their home was damaged as a result of unintentional actions on your part;
Minimal bureaucratic procedures (no home inspection is required to apply for insurance online on Visit Ukraine, just a passport and TIN);
● Comprehensive real estate protection (by taking out a policy, you insure all residential buildings and outbuildings located within the same household, including the fence or fences on your property);
● Affordable cost of insurance.
What exactly does house insurance cover?
House insurance provides for reimbursement of expenses in case of damage to your property caused by:
● Natural disasters (heavy rains, hurricanes, lightning, etc.)
● Domestic accidents and incidents (fire, smoke, gas leakage, etc.)
● Unlawful acts of third parties (burglary, theft, etc.);
● Warfare (falling missiles, UAVs, drones, explosions of ammunition and mines, etc., except for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons).
The insurance also includes indemnification of losses to third parties (civil liability) if a fire, household gas explosion or flooding occurs through the fault of the user or owner of the insured dwelling, causing damage to the life, health or property of neighbors (provided that it happened unintentionally).
In this case, the insurance policy covers:
● Restoration of structures (foundation, walls, roof, etc.);
● Restoration of the adjacent territory (terraces, outbuildings, garage, gates and fences, etc.);
● Repair of utilities (including external gas or liquid fuel tanks (without contents) for heating);
● Replacement of damaged interior equipment (furniture and interior items, household and computer equipment, etc;);
● Restoration of exterior and interior decoration (renovation).
Additionally indemnified are:
● expenses for restoration of real estate documents if they are destroyed as a result of an insured event;
● moving expenses (by truck) to temporary accommodation if the insured property is declared uninhabitable;
● expenses for loss mitigation, territory clearing, garbage removal and utilization of property residues as a result of an insured event.
For more information on the features of online house insurance, as well as instructions on how to insure your home on the Visit Ukraine website, see below.
Frequently asked questions
What does a house insurance policy cover?
A house insurance policy protects your real estate and property from the following risks:
1. War risks:
- Damage to housing by missiles, UAVs, drones or their fragments.
- Explosions of ammunition, mines, bombs.
- Other military actions (except for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons).
2. Damage to glass: windows, balconies, loggias, even as a result of military risks.
3. Household risks: fires, household gas explosions, water accidents.
4. Natural disasters: for example, earthquakes, lightning or severe storms.
5. Unlawful acts: burglary, robbery or mugging.
6. Damage to neighbors: if you unintentionally cause damage to neighboring property, the insurance company will cover the costs.
Who can take out house insurance?
What should I do in case of an insured event?
Does the cost of the policy depend on the size of the house?
Can I insure outbuildings next to my house?
What documents are required to receive insurance compensation in the event of a missile debris fall?
What is the peculiarity of house insurance?
What objects are not covered by a house insurance policy?
I have taken out insurance, but I do not receive a code. What should I do?
What should I do if I provided incorrect information when applying for an insurance policy?
What do our clients say about us?
Articles about insurance
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Real estate insurance is not just a service, but a comprehensive protection of your property that will save your family budget from devastating financial consequences. In addition, insurance will be a kind of guarantee of security for the future and an investment in peace and stability, which is no less important in the current realities of Ukraine.
On Visit Ukraine portal you will get the most convenient and fastest home insurance with compensation up to UAH 2,000,000. We offer a transparent and convenient mechanism for financial protection of private real estate from reliable insurance companies.
Visit Ukraine guarantees its clients:
● 100% online processing without meetings with an insurance agent to assess the property;
● Flexible insurance coverage from UAH 125,000 to UAH 2,000,000, which can be chosen independently;
● Transparent pricing system that does not depend on the size of your home;
● Round-the-clock customer support.
How to take out house insurance online on Visit Ukraine?
To take out house insurance covering basic and war risks, you need only 5 minutes of free time and a minimum of expenses. To do this, follow the link and follow these simple steps:
1. Select the sum insured (depending on your estimate of the value of the property and property) and the policy start date.
2. Fill in the form with the information about the property (city and address of the building to be insured) and the person insuring the property (full name, date of birth, passport details, TIN, contact phone number and e-mail).
3. Agree to the terms and conditions of the contract and confirm the registration (through a special code that will be sent to the specified e-mail).
4. Pay for the insurance in a way convenient for you: a card of any bank of the world (Visa or Mastercard), Apple Pay, Google Pay and American Express payment systems, or payment in installments (if the cost of insurance exceeds UAH 4,000) through WayForPay (Monobank, PrivatBank, A-bank).
5. Receive a ready-made electronic home insurance policy to the specified e-mail.
By the way, if you need apartment insurance with war risk coverage, you can also get it on the Visit Ukraine website.
What is the price of private house insurance and what does it depend on?
The cost of an insurance policy for a house covering basic and war risks depends on one key factor - the amount of insurance coverage that the client chooses independently. The price does not depend on the area of the house or land plot, the cost of repairs and equipment in the premises, the number of outbuildings or people registered in the house.
The cost of insurance for a house covering basic and war risks for 1 year will be:
*prices in UAH depend on the current exchange rate
What are the limits for house insurance?
1. Real estate requirements: it is impossible to insure a house that is pledged to a bank or any other financial institution.
2. Condition of the house: houses with unfinished repairs/construction and houses in disrepair are not eligible for insurance.
3. Location of the dwelling: any region of Ukraine, except for the frontline territories where active hostilities are taking place and the temporarily occupied territories, these are: Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv regions (except for Chernihiv city, Nizhyn and Pryluky districts) and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
4. Property not covered by the insurance: cash, jewelry, documents, books, toys, paintings and other works of art.
5. Indemnity limits: structural elements - 70%, decoration - 20%, contents - 10%.
Who can insure a house?
Home insurance can be taken out for any property where you live, regardless of who owns it. That is, both the owner or co-owner of the house and the tenant can insure the home.
To take out house insurance online on the Visit Ukraine website, you only need your passport and identification code (TIN).
What should I do if an insured event occurs?
In case of an insured event, you should follow the following algorithm of actions:
1. Notify the insurance company within 2 days.
2. It is advisable to record everything on a photo/video and keep the damaged property in the same condition until the arrival of a representative from the insurance company
3. Set the time of inspection of the damaged property with a specialist and upon arrival, jointly draw up an inspection report of the damaged property.
4. Submit to the insurance company a statement of the insured event with the original signature, as well as documents confirming the fact of its occurrence from the relevant authorities or institutions (police, SES, etc.).
5. Receive the insurance indemnity.
Be sure that home insurance is not an expense, but an investment in your peace of mind and financial stability. Especially given the level of threats and constant instability in which Ukrainians live today.
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