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13 Nov. 2022


How to authorize into the Diia application while abroad: detailed instructions

For refugees
How to authorize into the Diia application while abroad: detailed instructions

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The state application "Diia" allows all Ukrainians to keep their documents in their smartphone. Among the documents that you can use through "Diia" are a passport in the format of an ID card, a foreign passport, a driver's license, a student card, a technical passport for a car, a pension certificate, etc.

How to log in to Diia using BankID while abroad?

When you are abroad, you can log in to "Diia" in the usual way using BankID. To do this, you need to download and open "Diia", click on the "BankID" icon on the main screen, select the bank you need from the list and log in through the application of this bank (for example, Mono or Privat24).

How to log in to Diia using NFC while abroad?

You can also log into the application using NFC. To do this, you need to open the application, select the item "authorization via NFC" and read the NFC chip with your smartphone. You can find the chip on biometric documents: an ID card or a foreign passport.

Can location affect authorization in Diia?

Keep in mind: your location may affect your entry into the "Diia". Therefore, if you have problems logging into the application, we advise you to use a VPN and specify Ukraine in your location.

In which countries exactly do you need to use a VPN for authorization in Diia?

VPN is definitely required to enter "Diia" in the following countries:

• Africa;

• Asia;

• South America;

• countries under the US embargo.

We will remind you! Previously, we wrote about the issuance and use of Ukrainian digital documents for refugees abroad. You can read detailed information in our material by following the link.