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11 May. 2023


90% of the population returned: how Mykolaiv and the region live today

Way to Victory
90% of the population returned: how Mykolaiv and the region live today

russian shelling, lack of drinking water, lack of jobs and mined areas have not been an obstacle for the people of Mykolaiv region. We tell you how unbreakable Mykolaiv lives and why people decide to return to their homes

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The de-occupation of the right-bank Kherson region was the impetus for the return of residents of Mykolaiv region. The constant terror of the city with multiple rocket launchers and cluster munitions has come to an end, and people who survived this horror no longer feel under a strong threat.

How many people live in Mykolaiv and the region?

According to the head of Mykolaiv region, Vitaliy Kim, 90% of residents have returned to the region because they are tired of seeking refuge elsewhere. Moreover, people do not consider the possibility of missile and drone attacks to be a very threatening situation. After all, the fact that parts of Mykolaiv and Kherson regions were under enemy occupation made people get used to constant explosions.

Today, Mykolaiv and the region are home to about 460,000 people, of whom about 30,000 are internally displaced persons who left Kherson after the counter-offensive by our soldiers.

Jobs in the Mykolaiv region: the main problem of the region

Today, 80% of the industry in Mykolaiv and the region is out of business. Enterprises have been destroyed, damaged or relocated due to constant shelling by the russian federation. This means that people who return to Mykolaiv region cannot find jobs, as the industry has dropped fivefold. 

In addition, the situation with small and medium-sized businesses is also critical, as most entrepreneurs were forced to stop working due to shelling, inability to supply goods, reduced sales, etc.

Thus, the number of people in the region is much higher than the number of available jobs. Therefore, according to Kim, job creation is currently one of the top priorities in Mykolaiv region. That is why, together with international partners and the President's Office, the relevant mechanisms are being worked out.

To date, some measures have already been taken to improve the situation. For example, the UN has opened bakeries that employ people. It is important to note that the bread produced at the bakeries is distributed to people free of charge, so the UN pays for everything. Also, our people are trained to demine the territories and then employed in the relevant jobs.

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Is there drinking water in Mykolaiv?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is no. And it is impossible to restore the water supply in full in the near future. The full de-occupation of the Kherson region will help solve this problem, but even under these circumstances, it will take more than a year and significant funds to repair the entire system. After all, the salty, industrial water supplied to the pipes has accelerated corrosion processes hundreds of times, and in order to return drinking water to the taps of the region's residents, the pipeline must be completely replaced. And we are talking about 1,200 kilometers of water pipes and another 800 kilometers of sewerage networks in Mykolaiv alone.

Therefore, for more than a year now, Mykolaiv residents have been forced to collect drinking water at distribution points on a daily basis, put up with regular water supply outages due to gusts in the system (which have increased 5-10 times) and yellow water color.

Will there be a summer season in Mykolaiv region?

The return of people to their homes in spring raises questions about summer holidays in the region. According to Vitaliy Kim, a full-fledged holiday is impossible, and the region has a conditional zoning in terms of opportunities and prohibitions.

This year, the following remain under the ban:

  • forests that were directly on the line of hostilities and adjacent territories (they are dangerous for recreation due to the large number of mines, shells and tripwires left after the fighting)
  • the beaches of the Black Sea (because the coast and territorial waters are completely mined to protect against landings and boats of the russian federation).

Therefore, residents of Mykolaiv and the region will be able to use only some inland water bodies, such as estuaries and rivers, in summer. In addition, according to the head of Military Administration, preparations are underway to announce three more locations that will be open for recreation and rehabilitation not only to local residents but also to residents of neighboring regions. But the details of this statement have not yet been disclosed.

So despite constant provocations from russia, serious communication problems in the region and a lack of jobs, the resilient Mykolaiv region is alive and well and is trying to recover rapidly with the help of its own forces and foreign partners. 

Mykolaiv is a Hero City!

We remind you! In recent days, due to putin's commitment for symbolic dates, residents of the capital have also suffered. Here is how Kyiv residents survived the massive launches, as well as the mood among the townspeople.

Photo:Getty Images

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