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19 May. 2023


8 inventions of Ukrainians that are used all over the world

8 inventions of Ukrainians that are used all over the world

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of Ukrainian scientists, as their research has laid the groundwork for the development of certain types of modern electronics and technology. Find out more about the inventions of Ukrainian scientists that have changed the world forever

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Ukrainian developers have made a significant contribution to the international scientific community. Indeed, dozens of their inventions of the past centuries are still actively used around the world. We have compiled a selection of the most interesting developments by Ukrainian scientists that have influenced the development of technological progress.

The world's first submarine, the Chaika

It was the Ukrainian Cossacks who were the first to create and use a submarine. French and English historians have confirmed that the Chaika struck fear throughout the Black Sea. Not a single powerful ship felt safe next to the Cossack boat.

Technically, it was a vessel up to 4 metres high and wide, and about 18 metres long. The boat was made of a strong hollowed-out log, and the sides were usually upholstered with pine.

Electric tram 

Ukrainian scientist Fedir Perotskyi was the founder of the electrified system. For the first time, the invention was introduced in 1880, when the inventor connected an electric current to the rails in front of a large audience, through which electricity was transmitted to the tram motor. On that day, a double-decker horse-drawn carriage with 40 passenger seats moved off the ground and accelerated to a speed of 12 km/h.

The demonstration of the world's first electric tram caused a strong reaction and became a real sensation. However, the development could not compete with the owners of horse-drawn trams, who advocated the "usual" way of travelling. So Perotsky decided to announce his invention in a magazine for engineers, which later bore fruit. Thus, the electrified system was introduced into everyday life together with Carl Heinrich von Siemens.

Today, the tram is considered the most environmentally friendly public transport in the world.

The first prototype of the alarm system

Modern alarms are significantly different from the system introduced back in the Zaporizhzhya Sich, but it was the Ukrainian development that became the basis for the further development of this industry.

For example, the Cossacks created a special system of towers that were placed on the highest points of the relief. In the event of enemy attack, the watchman on duty would light a fire, which would signal the alarm to the next tower in the chain. In this way, the signal of danger was quickly transmitted between the comrades.

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An X-ray machine

Ukrainian scientist Ivan Puluj was the first to develop an X-ray tube, which is the prototype of modern X-rays. This happened 14 years before Roentgen Wilhelm announced a similar device to the world. However, because Puluj did not patent his development, the scientist did not become the official inventor of X-rays. 

Nevertheless, the international community has repeatedly confirmed that it was the Ukrainian who initiated the development of this crucial field. In particular, Albert Einstein expressed a similar opinion.

Ecological fuel for cars

A device that converts wood waste into environmentally friendly fuel was created by a modern Ukrainian engineer, Volodymyr Melnikov. The man shared his development on social media, and within a few hours, he was approached by buyers from European countries. The first customers were Germany, Poland and Lithuania.

Volodymyr was prompted to create this device by the need to dispose of the waste that remained after wood processing at his own sawmill. However, he did not expect such a success. 

Today, his briquette fuel is used by many businesses, including supermarket chains in Germany.

The first rocket engine

All modern rockets get off the ground thanks to Ukrainian inventor Serhiy Korolev. Today, he is known as the founder of cosmonautics, as it was his developments that launched the first intercontinental ballistic missile and the first artificial satellite. In addition, the first human space flight took place under his direct supervision.

It is also interesting that Korolev developed the first rocket engine despite constant repression by the Soviet authorities and mockery by functionaries.


In 1931, Ukrainian Igor Sikorsky invented and patented the world's first helicopter. Today, the National Technical University of Ukraine (KPI) is named after the aircraft designer.

The first prototype had an open cockpit, a belt drive and a Franklin engine. Already in 1940, Sikorsky was able to lift the machine with propellers into the air and make a controlled flight.

The first customer was the United States of America, which purchased Sikorsky helicopters to arm its army. Later, the Ukrainian developer became the owner of a powerful concern.

Seawater desalination technology

Thanks to the research of Leonard Smirnov, a professor at the Odesa State Academy of Refrigeration, the world was able to find a way to extract salt from seawater. His technology consisted of special freezing of the liquid, during which it turned into certain crystals, from the surface of which it was possible to remove salts, hydrogen isotopes and many other harmful substances.

So Ukrainians are a nation of extremely talented and intelligent people. And this list of inventions is only a small part of the contribution made by Ukrainian scientists to global development.

Let us remind you! Ukrainian women are not only extremely beautiful, but also very smart and resourceful. We are telling you about Ukrainian women who changed the world in the past and those who glorify our country today in our article.

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