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01 Jun. 2023


Children's Day: how the war in Ukraine affects their rights and safety

Children's Day: how the war in Ukraine affects their rights and safety

Every year on June 1, the whole world celebrates Children's Day. However, young Ukrainians continue to suffer from the brutal war. Learn more about how the war has affected children in Ukraine and the history of International Children's Day

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Children's Day is an important date aimed at drawing attention to the rights and well-being of children around the world. In this article, we would like to draw special attention to the impact of the war in Ukraine on children, as conflicts and armed hostilities have a negative impact on their lives, safety and well-being.

History of Children's Day

The International Children's Day is celebrated annually on June 1 to draw people's attention to the problems faced by children around the world. The date was established in November 1949 in Paris by a decision of the Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women.

The purpose of this holiday is to draw the attention of society, governments and organizations to the problems faced by children, as well as to raise awareness of their rights. It is important to remember that children are a vulnerable group of people and need special protection and care from society and adults.

Children in the context of war in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, children have become one of the most vulnerable groups of the population. They are directly affected by violence, traumatic events and emotional stress, which has a profound psychological impact on their development and future well-being.

One of the most tangible effects of war on children is the loss of close relatives, parents and friends. Many children are left orphaned or forced to live in devastated and disorganized conditions. This not only creates material hardships, but also leads to emotional trauma, a sense of loss and alienation.

During war, children also face the danger of explosions, shelling and minefields. They are forced to live in constant fear for their lives and safety. Many children are traumatized physically or psychologically, and some even become disabled as a result of hostilities.

As you know, since the beginning of russia's full-scale aggression in Ukraine, at least 484 children have been killed by the russian army, and 992 more have been injured of varying degrees of severity. On the night of June 1 alone, a russian missile strike on Kyiv killed two children who were trying to get to a shelter.

In addition, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine registered 867 criminal proceedings related to crimes against sexual freedom and sexual inviolability of children. A total of 541 indictments were sent to court, and 240 people were sentenced.

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How russia violates the rights of children in Ukraine

One of the most high-profile cases against russia since it attacked Ukraine has been the illegal deportation of children.

Currently, estimates of the number of deported children vary up to 16,000. At the same time, the media confirm that the number of deported Ukrainian children for whom the russian authorities are openly looking for foster families may be almost 2,500.

As you know, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recently adopted a resolution recognizing the deportation of Ukrainian children to russia as genocide.

Also, in March 2023, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for russian president vladimir putin and Children's Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova in connection with the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children.

Ukraine is working to return children to their homeland

According to the head of the Presidential Office, Andriy Yermak, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has set a task to develop a detailed action plan to return illegally deported children to Ukraine.

Ukraine's plan is called Bring Kids Back UA and consists of the following blocks:

  • return of Ukrainian children deported by russia;
  • development of family-based forms of education;
  • reintegration of children returned from russia, organization of their socialization and educational initiatives;
  • Child Rights Protection Center;
  • recording of crimes and prosecution of the russian federation;
  • inter-parliamentary cooperation;
  • сommunication and public events.

All these points should help Ukrainian children affected by russian aggression.

As for the work done, to date, Ukraine has managed to return 371 deported children from russia.

It is important to remember that children are the future of our society, and we must guarantee them safety, protection and opportunities for healthy development. They deserve special attention and care, especially in times of war and conflict, to be able to realize their potential and live a decent life.

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