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22 Sep. 2024


How many Ukrainians would leave Ukraine if they were offered US or EU citizenship now?

Way to Victory
How many Ukrainians would leave Ukraine if they were offered US or EU citizenship now?

According to the KIIS survey, the majority of Ukrainians would stay in their homeland even if they were offered US or EU citizenship. Find out more about regional peculiarities and public attitudes in 2024

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According to a study by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), the issue of Ukrainians' readiness to move abroad is receiving constant attention, especially amid the war. In October 2020, 28% of Ukrainians declared their readiness to leave Ukraine if they received US or EU citizenship. However, in 2022, this figure dropped significantly to 7%, and only in September 2024 did it rise again to 19%.

How has the war changed the plans of Ukrainians?

Since the full-scale invasion in 2022, the mood of Ukrainians has changed due to increased patriotism and hope for the rebuilding of the state. Many have abandoned their plans to emigrate, and the number of those who want to stay in Ukraine in 2024 has reached 79%. Thus, although the willingness to move abroad has increased compared to September 2022 to 19%, it remains significantly lower than in 2020, when the question “If you were granted US or EU citizenship unconditionally, would you move to these countries for permanent residence?” was asked. 28% of all adult Ukrainians were ready to move abroad.

Are there regional differences?

Among the regions of Ukraine, the eastern part demonstrates the highest readiness to move abroad (25%), maintaining the indicators of 2020 (26%). At the same time, in other parts of the country, the tendency to stay at home is slightly more prevalent. In the western regions, 81% of respondents said they did not want to leave Ukraine, even if they had the opportunity to obtain foreign citizenship. In the South - 80%, and in the Center - 78%.

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Attitudes of young people towards moving abroad

Young Ukrainians, who have traditionally been the most active in considering moving, have also changed their minds. In 2020, 46% of people aged 18-29 were planning to leave, but by September 2022, this figure had dropped to 13%. In 2024, the share of young people ready to emigrate increased to 26%, but the majority, 74%, plan to stay in their home country.

Readiness to emigrate among men and women: are there gender differences?

Among men and women aged 25 to 55, the difference in attitudes is also noticeable. 70% of men in this age group say they want to stay in Ukraine, while 27% are ready to leave. Women demonstrate even greater patriotism: 80% want to stay at home, while only 18% are considering leaving.

Why do Ukrainians want to stay in Ukraine?

Despite the difficult economic situation and the war, most Ukrainians demonstrate high resilience and faith in the country's future. According to KIIS Executive Director Anton Grushetsky, Ukrainians do not seek to make a life abroad, but prefer to fight for their future in their native land. This data contradicts widespread media stereotypes that emphasize mass emigration from the country.

"The common media image of a young man crossing the Tisza River or a young woman leaving for a better life in Europe is not representative of men and women in Ukraine. Of course, there are problems, but Ukrainians keep faith in Ukraine, keep faith in a better future and demonstrate their willingness to stay and work to achieve their dream future," he comments.

We remind you! Millions of Ukrainians have been forced to move to European countries since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. Read more about how refugees have helped the EU economy and what it costs Ukraine in our previous article.

Photo: Anastasiia Krutota / Unsplash

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