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20 Sep. 2024


Jobs for Ukrainians in Europe: where can you earn the most?

Jobs for Ukrainians in Europe: where can you earn the most?

Looking for a job in the EU can be a profitable solution for Ukrainians, especially in countries with high hourly wages and a developed labor market. Find out more about the best places to look for work in Europe and what salaries are offered

Legal advice on education and employment abroad for Ukrainians
Legal advice on education and employment abroad for Ukrainians

Due to russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, many Ukrainians were forced to seek asylum and employment in European countries. However, the issue of employment abroad has many nuances, ranging from differences in salaries to tax rates, which can vary significantly from country to country.

We'll tell you how much people are paid in the EU and where Ukrainians should look for work.

Salaries in European countries

The average salary in Ukraine is significantly lower than in most European countries. According to the data, the highest average salaries in Europe at the top of the list are as follows:

 Switzerland - 8,148 euros per month.

 Norway - 7,094 euros.

 Denmark - 6,068 euros.

 Luxembourg - 5,462 euros.

These countries offer the highest salaries, but also have high taxes and living costs. For example, in Sweden, income tax can reach 60%, and in Belgium - more than 53%. This should be taken into account when choosing a country for emigration and job search.

Next on the list is Belgium with a salary of 4,511 euros per month, Sweden - 4,338 euros, Finland - 4,031 euros, the Netherlands - 3,975 euros, France - 3,929 euros. Germany - 3,812 euros.
Countries with the lowest salaries

For comparison, the situation in the countries with the lowest average salaries is as follows:

 Albania - 422 euros per month.

 Bulgaria - 637 euros.

 Serbia - 723 euros.

 Romania - 742 euros.

 Montenegro - 844 euros.

 Bosnia and Herzegovina - 861 euros.

 Lithuania - 880 euros.

 Latvia - 1,053 euros.

 Hungary - 1,066 euros.

 Poland - 1,114 euros.

In countries such as Portugal, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Iceland, the average salary is between 2 thousand and 3.5 thousand euros per month.

Despite the low salaries, these countries can attract those looking for lower taxes and cheaper living. For example, Bulgaria has an income tax of only 10%, which is the lowest in Europe.

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The highest paid professions

Depending on the profession, salaries can vary significantly. Here are examples of salaries for some professions in different European countries:

 Financiers - from 4.5 to 6.5 thousand euros per month.

 Lawyers - from 3.5 to 5 thousand euros.

 Economic engineers - from 1.5 to 3 thousand euros.

 IT specialists - from 1.5 to 4 thousand euros.

For example, in Norway, doctors, IT workers, and oil companies are the highest paid, while in Germany, financiers and insurance company employees have high salaries.

Highest hourly wages

In countries with high standards of living and developed economies, wages are generally higher. The situation with hourly rates looks like this:

 Norway - 54 euros per hour.

 Switzerland - 52 euros.

 Denmark - 44 euros.

 Belgium - 41 euros.

 Sweden - 40 euros.

The lowest hourly wages

In contrast, in countries with less developed economies, hourly wages are significantly lower. For example:

 Albania - 2.4 euros per hour.

 Bulgaria - 4.7 euros.

 Serbia - 5.25 euros.

 Montenegro - 5.54 euros.

 Bosnia and Herzegovina - 5.65 euros.

These countries may be less attractive for professionals looking for high salaries, but they have their advantages, such as lower taxes.

Tax system in Europe

In addition to the hourly rate, an important factor is the level of taxation in each country. As already mentioned, in countries such as Sweden (60%), Belgium (53.7%), the Netherlands (52%), and Denmark (51.5%), tax rates are high. This affects an employee's final income after all taxes are deducted. By contrast, the lowest tax rates are in countries like Bulgaria, where the rate is only 10%.

Where is there a shortage of workers in the EU?

Currently, there are industries in Europe where there is a significant shortage of specialists, and this can be a good opportunity for Ukrainians:

• Doctors - there is a great demand for doctors and nurses in countries such as Norway, Germany, and France.

• IT specialists - high demand and salaries in the IT field are observed in Switzerland, Germany, France, and Scandinavian countries.

• Engineers and specialists in the oil and gas industry are promising professions in Norway and Sweden.

In addition, financiers, lawyers, and employees of insurance companies are in demand in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, where salaries can reach from 4.5 to 6.5 thousand euros per month.

In which European countries is it difficult to find a job?

In countries where unemployment is high or where competition for jobs is fierce, it can be more difficult to find a job. This applies to countries such as Italy, Spain, and Greece, where economic problems create difficulties for employment.

Ukrainians planning to work in Europe should consider not only the level of salaries, but also taxes, living expenses, and demand for their profession. 

If you are planning to move or are already in one of the European countries, it is important to get qualified legal assistance, especially in matters of education and employment. Visit Ukraine's team of specialists is ready to provide you with professional advice and assistance in adapting to new living conditions. Contact our lawyers by following the link to get up-to-date information and support in solving all your questions.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

In order to organize a trip, ensure a safe move and successful employment in a new country, I advise you to contact a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations when traveling abroad.

Do you have additional questions? Contact the Visit Ukraine hotline (Telegram | WhatsApp).

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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