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19 Sep. 2022


Charitable organization "Caritas": How to get help for refugees during the war?

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Charitable organization "Caritas": How to get help for refugees during the war?

Help our volunteers who support Ukraine and all foreigners in the country 24/7
Help our volunteers who support Ukraine and all foreigners in the country 24/7

Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, charitable foundations have mainly focused on supporting refugees and the military. Many Ukrainian and international organizations currently operate on the territory of Ukraine, but one of the most active and well-known is the "Caritas" charitable foundation. 

"Caritas Ukraine" is a charitable organization of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

Activities of "Caritas" in Ukraine

Currently, there are 30 Caritas regional offices in 15 regions of Ukraine, which unite more than 1,000 employees and volunteers.

The fund's activities are focused on the following areas:

Home care is the only comprehensive program of support for lonely people and those who need special care in Ukraine. It has been working in 12 cities of Ukraine since 1998 and is the oldest social program of Caritas Ukraine.

Working with children and youth - learning foreign languages ​​and computer literacy, creative and culinary workshops, financial training, career guidance, sports activities and competitions.

Help for people with disabilities - art therapy, recreational activities, educational activities for parents and guardians.

Anti-trafficking and social migration programs – social support and legal advice.

Health care.

Assistance in emergency situations.

Development of communities.

Annual charity events - "Christmas Candle", "Easter Basket", "School Briefcase".

Aid during the war

"Caritas Ukraine" has been supporting victims of war in Ukraine since April 2014. With the start of a full-scale invasion, the geography of support expanded.

Main directions:

    • humanitarian aid – food kits, hygiene products and medicines;

    • cash grants;

    • assistance in creating or restoring one's own business;

    • support in the development of private agriculture;

    • employment;

    • assistance in finding housing and carrying out repair works;

    • psychological and legal support;

    • cultural events;

    • family support center.

In order to get the necessary help, you need to contact one of the "Caritas" centers or call the contact number. The location of the organization's representative offices can be found at the link.

Aid to IDPs

All local Caritas organizations, except for those regions where hostilities are active, work to provide assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and people from vulnerable categories. You can find out the location of the closest help center and contact details here.

You can find out more information about the activities of "Caritas Ukraine", get help, make a donation or become a volunteer on the organization's official website.