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Travel A wave bridge has been opened in Kyiv: how to get there and what to see?

A wave bridge has been opened in Kyiv: how to get there and what to see?

A new pedestrian bridge from Obolonska embankment to Obolon Island has been opened in the capital. Find out what the new recreational location looks like, how to get there, and what to see

27 May. 2024

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1 min

Transport Ukraine to pay compensation for damaged cars as a result of war: details

Ukraine to pay compensation for damaged cars as a result of war: details

As of the beginning of 2024, more than 210,000 cars were damaged or destroyed in Ukraine as a result of the war waged by russia. In this regard, the country wants to introduce compensation for car owners whose cars have been damaged as a result of the war. Find out how the mechanism will work

26 May. 2024

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Work Problems with employment of Ukrainians in the UK: what is known?

Problems with employment of Ukrainians in the UK: what is known?

Ukrainian citizens who have taken refuge in the UK have found it difficult to find employment in the country. The main obstacles are problems with visas and the general crisis in the labor market. Find out more about what Ukrainians can expect in the UK

26 May. 2024

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Documents Men are allowed to cross the border only with paper military documents: SBGS explanation

Men are allowed to cross the border only with paper military documents: SBGS explanation

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS) has announced that it is impossible to cross the border with electronic military registration documents. Find out who this rule applies to and who can travel abroad without presenting military registration documents

26 May. 2024

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Transport Do I need a military ID card to get a driver's license: explanation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Do I need a military ID card to get a driver's license: explanation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs provide services as usual. Find out more about the required package of documents after the law on mobilization comes into force and whether a military ID card is required to obtain a driver's license

26 May. 2024

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Finance It's about billions: how much and what Ukrainians spend abroad

It's about billions: how much and what Ukrainians spend abroad

Ukrainian refugees have already settled down abroad: they have found jobs and have a significant impact on the economy of some countries. Find out how Ukrainians manage their money abroad

26 May. 2024

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Popular Usyk topped the ranking of the world's best boxers, but he is not the only Ukrainian to do so

Usyk topped the ranking of the world's best boxers, but he is not the only Ukrainian to do so

Oleksandr Usik after his victory over Fury topped the P4P rating according to the authoritative magazine The Ring. This means that the Ukrainian boxer is now the best in the world regardless of the category. Find out who other Ukrainians have been honoured with such recognition before

25 May. 2024

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Finance Which industries provided the most revenues to the state budget in the first 4 months of 2024?

Which industries provided the most revenues to the state budget in the first 4 months of 2024?

In the context of a full-scale invasion, the Ukrainian economy is suffering unprecedented losses almost every day. Find out which industries have paid the most taxes in the first 4 months of this year, as well as where the largest increase in payments occurred compared to April last year

25 May. 2024

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