1 min

Documents MFA resumes providing consular services to men abroad: new terms and conditions

MFA resumes providing consular services to men abroad: new terms and conditions

The technical pause in accepting new applications for consular services for a certain category of Ukrainian citizens is over. Here's a look at which men can apply to consular offices abroad and what they need to do to get the services they need

20 May. 2024

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2 min

Travel Beach holidays in Europe: top underrated destinations at the most affordable prices

Beach holidays in Europe: top underrated destinations at the most affordable prices

Summer will soon come to Europe, and that means it's time to take a holiday and go to a beach resort with your loved ones. We understand that some tourists do not plan to spend a lot of money on their holidays, so we have prepared a list of destinations that offer quality and minimal costs. Find out which countries made it to the list

19 May. 2024

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3 min

Finance Buying goods under the tax free system: how to get a refund?

Buying goods under the tax free system: how to get a refund?

When shopping in Europe, Ukrainians can take advantage of a nice bonus and get up to 25% of their money back. Learn more about how the Tax Free system works and who can use the service

19 May. 2024

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2 min

Way to Victory MMC for all and re-examination of persons with disabilities: what has changed in the new law on mobilisation

MMC for all and re-examination of persons with disabilities: what has changed in the new law on mobilisation

The new law on mobilisation has come into force, which means that citizens need to be aware of a number of innovations. Some of them relate to medical check-ups, and some of them relate to repeated medical examinations. Find out who needs to undergo MMC and MSEC, as well as what documents are required

19 May. 2024

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1 min

Finance Ukrainians in Poland will be deprived of benefits when traveling to other countries: details

Ukrainians in Poland will be deprived of benefits when traveling to other countries: details

The Polish government wants to introduce a new verification system that will allow establishing the location of Ukrainians and instantly suspend benefits for those who are outside the country. Find out more about the innovations and when they will come into force

19 May. 2024

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2 min

Transport A selection of useful online services for drivers from MTIBU

A selection of useful online services for drivers from MTIBU

The Motor and Transport Bureau has created a number of official services for motorists that greatly simplify the interaction with insurance services for drivers. Find out more about the services drivers can get right in their smartphone thanks to MTIBU services

19 May. 2024

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2 min

For refugees Poland is going to significantly change the requirements for Ukrainian doctors: what is known?

Poland is going to significantly change the requirements for Ukrainian doctors: what is known?

Ukrainian doctors who want to work or are already working in Poland will have to pass a language exam. Find out more about who will be affected by the changes and when the new rules will come into force

19 May. 2024

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2 min

Culture International Museum Day: where in Ukraine to see the local Louvre and visit the Prado analogue

International Museum Day: where in Ukraine to see the local Louvre and visit the Prado analogue

Ukrainian culture is famous for its antiquity and exclusivity. If you have not yet familiarised yourself with it, International Museum Day is a great reason to explore it. Find out which museums in Ukraine you should visit to see the masterpieces of bygone years and familiarise yourself with the art of the present day

18 May. 2024

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