2 min

Culture How do Ukrainians feel about the russian language in 2024?

How do Ukrainians feel about the russian language in 2024?

In 1997, 39% of Ukrainians believed that russian should be the second state language in Ukraine. Only 18% of respondents opposed this decision. Find out how the dynamics of attitudes toward the russian language among Ukrainian citizens have changed and how many Ukrainians support its complete elimination from official communication

17 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Events Eurovision 2024 will be held under new rules: what exactly will change

Eurovision 2024 will be held under new rules: what exactly will change

At Eurovision 2024, the organizers have made a number of significant changes that will affect the course and format of this popular music event. Find out more about what you should know

17 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Way to Victory How many facilities have been restored in Kyiv region two years after liberation from russia

How many facilities have been restored in Kyiv region two years after liberation from russia

Two years later, the de-occupied regions of the Kyiv region continue to recover from the russian occupation. Many facilities have already been rebuilt in the regions. Find out how much has already been restored and what remains to be done in the near future

16 Mar. 2024

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2 min

Education NMT 2024 abroad: in which countries the testing will take place and when to register

NMT 2024 abroad: in which countries the testing will take place and when to register

Taking the NMT abroad is an important step for Ukrainian graduates who intend to take the test outside the country. Find out more about the countries where the test will be held and how to register for the exam

16 Mar. 2024

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2 min

Transport What to do in case of an accident in the Czech Republic: guide for drivers

What to do in case of an accident in the Czech Republic: guide for drivers

Road accidents in the Czech Republic are quite rare, but a correct and consistent algorithm of actions can sometimes not only save your own money, but also save lives. Find out how to act in the event of a road traffic accident for drivers and those who witnessed an accident on the road

16 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Popular When to switch to daylight saving time in 2024?

When to switch to daylight saving time in 2024?

This year, clocks in Ukraine are scheduled to change on the last Sunday of March. This procedure makes better use of the daylight hours and helps to save energy. Find out more about when daylight saving time will take place in Ukraine in 2024

16 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Events Easter 2024: will the New Julian calendar affect the calculation of Easter in Ukraine?

Easter 2024: will the New Julian calendar affect the calculation of Easter in Ukraine?

In Ukraine, Orthodox and Catholics will celebrate Easter on completely different dates in 2024, despite the country's transition to a new church calendar. Find out what influences the calculation of the Resurrection Day and why the two denominations still have different dates

16 Mar. 2024

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2 min

Transport Polish farmers blocked one of the checkpoints with Slovakia: what is the situation on the border

Polish farmers blocked one of the checkpoints with Slovakia: what is the situation on the border

On March 15, Polish farmers restricted the operation of one of the checkpoints on the border with Slovakia. This caused significant changes in traffic between the two countries. Find out more about how long the protest will last and the situation on the Ukrainian border

15 Mar. 2024

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