2 min

Documents Traveling to Ukraine: Do French citizens need a visa in 2023?

Traveling to Ukraine: Do French citizens need a visa in 2023?

French citizens can enter Ukraine on the basis of a visa-free regime, but in some cases, they will still need to apply for a visa. Find out all about the current rules for entering Ukraine and useful travel tips for foreigners

22 Oct. 2023

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2 min

Popular Exactly 68 years ago, the Soviets tested a powerful nuclear bomb: what were the consequences and what happened to its creator?

Exactly 68 years ago, the Soviets tested a powerful nuclear bomb: what were the consequences and what happened to its creator?

The USSR's first two-stage thermonuclear bomb was tested on November 22, 1955. The mushroom that was formed by the explosion rose to a height of 14 kilometers. Learn more about how the Soviets conducted the test, what problems they encountered and how one of the creators of the RDS-37 bomb died

22 Oct. 2023

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Finance Etsy Payments is being launched in Ukraine: what opportunities does it offer?

Etsy Payments is being launched in Ukraine: what opportunities does it offer?

Ukrainians will have the opportunity to scale in the international e-commerce ecosystem and gain access to more than 90 million buyers. Find out what Etsy Payments is, what opportunities this payment system opens up, and why it is important for Ukraine

22 Oct. 2023

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Popular Draft law on civil partnerships: what it is and what it will regulate

Draft law on civil partnerships: what it is and what it will regulate

The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine have supported the draft law on civil partnerships. Learn more about the draft law and why its adoption is important for society

21 Oct. 2023

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3 min

War War in Israel: should we fear mass migration of Israelis to Ukraine, as prophesied by the russian IPSO

War in Israel: should we fear mass migration of Israelis to Ukraine, as prophesied by the russian IPSO

Information was thrown into the rossmedia that citizens of Israel are migrating en masse to Ukraine after losing the war against Hamas. Find out more about what Ukrainians think about this and why this is one of the most delusional IPSOs by russia

21 Oct. 2023

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For refugees Norway will provide money to Ukrainians who want to return home: what is known

Norway will provide money to Ukrainians who want to return home: what is known

The Norwegian government offers additional financial assistance to Ukrainians who plan to return to their homeland. Find out more about how to get financial assistance and what documents are required

21 Oct. 2023

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Transport Ukrzaliznytsia informs about changes in international trains: details

Ukrzaliznytsia informs about changes in international trains: details

UZ has announced unplanned changes to international train traffic due to unusual track works on the railway in Hungary between Budapest and Vienna. Restrictions on the routes between Kyiv and Vienna, as well as between Vienna and Chop, will take place from 26 October. Find out more about the routes provided by Hungarian Railways for passengers whose flights will be cancelled/postponed

21 Oct. 2023

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Popular Banning the UOC-MP in Ukraine: the bill has been passed, what's next?

Banning the UOC-MP in Ukraine: the bill has been passed, what's next?

In the first reading, the Verkhovna Rada passed a bill that should begin the process of banning the moscow patriarchate in Ukraine. Find out why the parliament could not vote for the ban for more than 10 months and what will change after the adoption

21 Oct. 2023

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