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16 Okt. 2023


British in Ukraine: how many foreigners from the UK visited the country in 2023?

Tourists in Ukraine
British in Ukraine: how many foreigners from the UK visited the country in 2023?

British citizens support Ukraine not only from a distance, but also by visiting in person during the war. Find out how many Britons entered Ukraine in the first half of 2023, why they are traveling to Ukraine, and why they are not deterred even by a full-scale russian invasion

Take care of insurance for safe entry into Ukraine
Take care of insurance for safe entry into Ukraine

Despite the security situation, foreigners continue to come to Ukraine, and a significant number of them are tourists who have expressed a desire to visit the country for the first time during the war. It should be noted that according to official statistics provided by the State Border Guard Service at the request of Visit Ukraine, more than 1.3 million foreigners entered Ukraine in the first half of 2023. The largest number of them, more than half a million, came from Moldova

At the same time, from January to August 2023, more than 16 thousand foreigners from the UK visited Ukraine. Why the British are traveling to Ukraine during the war, we will tell you further in the article.

How many British citizens visited Ukraine in 2023 and why?

According to official data from the State Border Guard Service, 16157 foreigners from the UK entered Ukraine in 2023. The vast majority of them - 16,047 people - came for private purposes. Another 108 citizens were vehicle service personnel, and only 2 foreigners entered Ukraine in transit.

In the ranking of countries from which foreigners came to Ukraine most often, compiled by the Visit Ukraine portal, the United Kingdom ranks 10th. At the same time, the UK is ahead of the United States in terms of the number of citizens who have visited Ukraine, ranking 7th.

Why do the British travel to Ukraine despite the war?

It should be noted that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, the Visit Ukraine team has helped organize a trip to Ukraine for more than 1000 foreign tourists, and most of them expressed a desire to visit Ukraine for the first time during the war. So why do foreigners decide to travel to a country where active hostilities are taking place?

To answer this question, we talked to one of our tourists from the UK, Martin Elliott. It should be noted that Martin has already visited Ukraine several times, and his first trip impressed him so much that he decided to stay longer and work as a volunteer in Ukraine.

Why did you decide to come to Ukraine during the war, what exactly interested you or motivated you to travel?

I first decided to visit Ukraine after start of invasion. I could see how beautiful a country and decided to visit. I was motivated by doing the right thing and helping to liberate Ukraine

Which cities in Ukraine did you visit and why did you choose them?

I visited Kyiv, Bucha, Irpin, Gostomel and other de-occupied cities during my first visit. Kyiv, Odesa and Kherson, Dnipro, Kharkiv during my second visit. I had planned to visit Lviv, but got stuck with work.

I could see the damages caused to people and places, I went on press tours and could see a before and after. It effected deeply.

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What impressed you the most during your trip? Describe your impressions of Ukrainian service and Ukrainians

Ukraines cities are full of amazing architecture and the country is similar to any European country and Kyiv is as or more beautiful than other capitals. I also had many interactions with Ukrainians who were warm, loving and welcoming. I have made lifelong friendships (I have adopted a grandmother).

The services are like any other country and would be faultless apart from occasional stoppages due to war.

The support of the Visit Ukraine today Team is what made me visit as they helped me and informed me throughout my trips. They have supported me and made things available in my itinerary that made my visits to Ukraine unforgettable. You can relax more as you know you got people who are going above and beyond to make your time in Ukraine truly amazing.

What advice would you give to those who are planning a trip to Ukraine and would you recommend such a trip to others?

I would recommend a trip to Ukraine a must on all travellers list. And am returning to Ukraine soon and spending more time with friends I have met. I am also planning to visit more cities when there. 

Those who are planning a trip shouldrepared for air-raid sirens and stoppages of services due to russian attacks.. be prepared for anything you are entering a Warzone. You could safely visit 3/4 of the country but I would recommend staying away from East of the country at present. I would recommend treating it as extreme camping scenario or walking holiday.

Entering Ukraine during the war: what do you need to know?

Foreigners planning a trip to Ukraine need to take into account certain restrictions in force in the country. To make your trip safe and comfortable, we strongly recommend that you follow the following rules:

1. Do not ignore the air traffic alert under any circumstances! Upon arrival in Ukraine, be sure to check the map of the nearest shelters and install the Air Alert app (from the App Store or Google Play). In the event of an air raid alert, go to the nearest shelter immediately!

2. Observe the curfew and plan your day according to the established time limits!

3. Take care of reliable health insurance with military risk coverage, which covers not only basic medical services and treatment, but also accidents related to military operations.

Do not neglect basic safety rules and travel safely with Visit Ukraine!

We remind you! British citizens can stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days within 180 days without a visa. At the same time, foreigners can apply for one of the visas, depending on the purpose of their stay in the country. Read about the rules of entry to Ukraine for the British and the most convenient routes from the UK to Ukraine here.

Photo: Depositphotos

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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