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29 Apr. 2024


New law on mobilization, the beginning of the NMT, changes in traffic rules: what will change in Ukraine from May 1

New law on mobilization, the beginning of the NMT, changes in traffic rules: what will change in Ukraine from May 1

The first days of May will bring significant changes to Ukrainians that will affect various areas of their lives. The first change is the introduction of a new law on mobilization, which will bring significant changes to the system of conscription and service of persons liable for military service. Find out more about what else will change

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More useful news in our Telegram channel

Starting May 1, 2024, Ukrainians will face a number of important changes. In particular, a new law on the mobilization of persons liable for military service will come into effect, graduates will have to pass a multi-subject test, and drivers will have to comply with certain updates to the traffic rules.

We will tell you what will change in Ukraine for citizens at the beginning of the new month and what holidays are planned - further in the article. 

New law on mobilization: key requirements for persons liable for military service

Starting from May 18, a new law on mobilization will be in force in Ukraine. It introduces significant changes to the rules of registration and conscription of persons liable for military service during martial law. 

The main innovations include:

- The obligation to always have a military document with you;

- Obligatory updating of data in the TCC or through an electronic cabinet within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the law (registration in the cabinet is not required);

- Restrictions on the right to use vehicles for evaders;

- Men aged 18 to 60 abroad will receive consular services only after updating their data in the MCC (this can be done remotely);

- Deferral from mobilization to care for a person with a disability will be available only to relatives of the first degree of kinship;

- Students will be granted a deferment only if they receive a higher level of education than the existing one; 

50% compensation of the first mortgage payment for those mobilized. An additional UAH 100 thousand will be paid after the first and second years of service.

- Abolition of conscription and introduction of military training in educational institutions and basic military service lasting 5 months in peacetime and 3 months in wartime.

For more information on what the draft law provides, please follow the link.

In addition to the law described above, another document will come into force on May 4, which will abolish the status of limited fitness.

Persons with this status will be required to undergo a second medical examination, after which they will be recognized as fit (subcategories are possible depending on their health status) or unfit for service. This should be done within 9 months.

Changes in traffic rules for drivers

Changes to the Traffic Rules for drivers include a new provision on the constant use of running lights or dipped beam while driving outside of settlements at any time of the day or year. 

We wrote more about this here.

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Start of NMT 2024

The main session of the National Multisubject Test (NMT) for graduates will take place from May 14 to July 19. The main testing period will last from May 14 to June 25, and an additional period is scheduled from July 11 to 19, 2024.

All subjects will be taken in one day. Each participant will be notified of the specific test date by May 8 in their personal account created during registration.

If registration for the main session has already ended, you can apply for an additional session from May 10 to 15.

The results of the main session of the NMT will be announced by July 2, and the additional session by July 26.

Ukrainian graduates who are abroad will be able to take the test at special centers set up in 57 cities in 32 countries.

What holidays and weekends are expected in May?

In May, Ukrainians will celebrate several important holidays and events, but additional days off will be canceled due to martial law.

May 1 is Labor Day, but this year it will be a working day.

May 5 is Easter Sunday for Orthodox and Greek Catholics. The following Monday, May 6, will also be a working day.

May 8 is the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II. It is a new public holiday established in 2023 and a day off in peacetime. Previously, this day was celebrated as the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation.

May 9 is Europe Day with the EU countries. This day is not a public holiday.

Other important holidays in May include Mother's Day (May 12), Embroidery Day (May 16), and Kyiv Day (May 26).

We remind you!
 The Cabinet of Ministers has allowed male students aged 18 to 22 to travel abroad to study at foreign educational institutions as part of academic mobility. Read more about the changes and new rules for students to travel abroad 

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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Visit Ukraine Legal advice – comprehensive legal support on entry to Ukraine;
Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours – the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

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