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12 Mai. 2024


Admission to Ukrainian universities during the war: useful tips for international students in 2024

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Admission to Ukrainian universities during the war: useful tips for international students in 2024

Despite the war and danger, foreign students continue to enroll in Ukrainian higher education institutions. This is not surprising, as the quality of Ukrainian education meets international requirements and standards. Learn more about the specifics of admission to Ukrainian universities for international students in 2024

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Buy insurance for safe entry and stay in Ukraine

Despite Russia's full-scale invasion, Ukrainian higher education institutions continue to accept and educate foreign students. Foreigners who come to Ukraine have the opportunity to receive a high-quality education at the best universities in our country. In this article, we will tell you about the admission requirements for foreigners and the process of studying at Ukrainian universities.

What study programs do foreign students most often enroll in?

Medicine used to be the most popular specialty, but due to restrictions on online education, management is now the most popular specialty in many countries. This change in preferences is explained by the fact that many foreign universities do not recognize online learning, especially for medical specialties.

According to a study by the Ukrainian State Center for International Education, foreign students most often learn about study opportunities in Ukraine through several channels. These include recommendations from former students, educational agencies, and Ukrainian embassies.

The most popular specialty among international students is management. People from China and India lead the way in choosing this specialty. Students from India also often enroll in medical specialties.

Chinese students predominate among foreign applicants, choosing various specialties such as pedagogy, computer science, law, finance, and psychology. This is understandable, as applicants from China and India make up the largest group of foreign students in the world.

There are also specialties for which only Chinese applicants applied, such as choreography. Ukrainian art education has always been popular among applicants from China, and this interest has been evident during previous admission campaigns.

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What countries do most foreign students come from to study at Ukrainian universities?

In the past, India and Morocco were the obvious leaders in this ranking, but their priority was always medical education, which they wanted to study full-time. Now, fewer young people from these countries are choosing Ukraine to study.

It should be noted that among the foreign students studying in Ukraine there are also representatives of European countries, but their number is much smaller compared to the countries of Africa and Asia. For example, students from the UK, Poland, and Ireland choose to study medicine in Ukraine. There are also some students from the United States who study political science and biomedical engineering.

Students from the following countries most often choose Ukraine for higher education:

1. China;

2. India;

3. Nigeria;

4. Turkmenistan;

5. Nepal;

6. Turkey;

7. Pakistan;

8. Morocco;

9. Ghana;

10. Azerbaijan.

In addition, it is also worth considering the ranking of the most popular Ukrainian universities among foreign applicants:

1. Semen Kuznets Kharkiv University of Economics;

2. International Humanitarian University;

3. National Technical University “KhPI”;

4. Karazin Kharkiv National University;

5. Private university “European University”;

6. Lviv Polytechnic National University;

7. Poltava University of Economics and Trade;

8. Western Ukrainian National University;

9. Private higher education institution “Kyiv International University”;

10. Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University.

Do you have additional questions? Contact the Visit Ukraine hotline (Telegram | WhatsApp).

Documents for foreign students to enter Ukrainian universities

To enter a higher education institution, foreign citizens must submit an application to the relevant structural unit or admission committee. In addition to the application, foreigners must provide the following documents:

1. Original and copy of the document confirming the previously obtained educational level;

2. Academic transcript issued by a foreign or Ukrainian educational institution in case of transfer or resumption of studies;

3. A copy of a foreigner's passport or a document confirming a stateless person;

4. Health insurance policy;

5. 4 photos of 30x40 mm in size;

6. A copy of the Ukrainian certificate (if any).

The procedure for admission of foreign students to study can be carried out both in full-time and distance learning formats. The possibility of submitting documents in the distance learning format is open to foreigners who have received an invitation to study registered in the Electronic Journal Automated System, as well as have received a visa to enter Ukraine for the purpose of studying or have already completed the procedure for legalizing educational documents.

Remember! When planning a trip to Ukraine, first of all, you need to take care of the appropriate insurance policy, because any foreign insurance automatically terminates after crossing the Ukrainian border. In this case, we recommend that you take out insurance specifically covering military risks, which will cover not only standard medical care/treatment/diagnosis, etc. but also accidents and injuries caused by passive or direct military risks.

You can take out such insurance on the Visit Ukraine website. Follow the link and choose an insurance policy with the appropriate coverage and indemnity amount for the required period.

New reform of the higher education system in Ukraine in 2024

The new changes in education provide for greater autonomy for students in choosing their educational trajectory. Students can now set their own priorities, regulate the pace and duration of their studies, and change their major after a year or a year and a half of study.

For example, a student who chooses the interdisciplinary Social Sciences program has the opportunity to try several majors, such as sociology, social work, or political science, before making a final decision. After a year of study, the student can make their choice and continue to study the chosen specialty.

A special feature for contract students is that they can determine the duration of their studies at the university. For example, a student can choose to complete a bachelor's program in three years or combine study and work, completing the program in 6-8 years.

In regulated fields, such as law, medicine, or law enforcement, there are detailed requirements for competencies and learning outcomes. There are state qualification exams to confirm students' professional competence. This approach allows students to have more freedom in choosing their educational path and developing their professional careers.

People's Deputy Iryna Gerashchenko revealed the details of the innovations in the education sector:

1. Higher education institutions will have the opportunity to independently develop educational programs, taking into account the requirements of the law;

2. A system of awarding additional professional qualifications is being introduced, which will allow students to expand their skills and competencies;

3. The results of non-formal and informal education will be officially recognized, which will increase students' chances of entering higher education institutions and professional development;

4. The minimum number of hours of training in one ECTS credit is set: at least 10 hours at the bachelor's level and at least 8 hours at the master's level;

5. An individual curriculum may provide for an annual study load of 30 to 80 ECTS credits, which allows students to plan their studies taking into account personal needs and opportunities;

6. It also provides for a 25% reduction in the period of study by increasing the number of credits during the year of study. For example, students will be able to complete a bachelor's degree in 3 years instead of the usual 4.

It is important to note that during the finalization of the draft law, the provisions on the abolition of part-time and evening forms of education, which were perceived as controversial, were removed.

Just remind you! Admission to Ukrainian universities is open to foreign citizens. We will tell you what documents are required to obtain higher education in Ukraine, which foreigners are eligible to obtain knowledge and other important details.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

On the Visit Ukraine portal, you can get legal advice on migration law. Our lawyers will answer all your questions and, if necessary, help you collect, submit and receive the documents you need. You can order a specialist consultation or full legal support by following this link.

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