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24 Jan. 2023


Special care allowance (Specjalny zasiłek opiekuńczy) in Poland 2023: how to get

For refugees
Special care allowance (Specjalny zasiłek opiekuńczy) in Poland 2023: how to get

Special financial assistance is paid to ensure permanent care for a disabled person. Learn more about who is eligible for special assistance and what documents need to be submitted for registration

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If a person in Poland leaves a paid job in order to permanently care for another person with a disability, he can receive monthly cash payments in the amount of 620 zlotys. We tell you how to get financial assistance.

Who can apply for payments?

Those persons who do not have a paid job due to the need to care for a person with a disability. These can be direct relatives or brothers and sisters of the person in need of care.

Disability and the need for care must be confirmed by relevant medical documents.

Are foreigners entitled to special care allowance (Specjalny zasiłek opiekuńczy) in Poland?

Yes, the following categories of foreigners living in Poland are entitled to social benefits:

• Ukrainians with a PESEL code;

• foreigners who have the status of a refugee or additional protection in Poland;

• foreigners who have a temporary residence permit for the purpose of work, which was issued in Poland or another EU country;

• foreigners who have a permanent residence permit in Poland or EU countries.

What are the criteria for payments?

In order to qualify for benefits, the combined income of the family of a person with a disability must exceed PLN 764 per month.

If the person in need of care is a minor, then the family includes: the person in need of care, his parents (or the wife/husband of one of the parents, if they do not live together) and persons with whom the parents of the person with disabilities raise a child

If the person in need of care is an adult, the family includes: the person in need of care, his or her husband or wife, or a person with whom a person with a disability is raising a child.

What documents need to be submitted for processing payments?

In order to receive social benefits for the care of a person with a disability in Poland, the following documents must be submitted:

- An application for assistance is submitted to the city/rural administration or the social protection administration at the place of residence. The application form can be found at this link;

- A copy of the certificate of incapacity for work or a certificate about the disability group of the person who needs care;

- Certificate or declaration of income.

Please note that if a letter of incapacity for work is issued to a person for a certain period, then you will be entitled to receive social benefits for the same period.

Who can be denied payments?

Payments for the care of a person with a disability may be refused in the following cases:

• the person providing care is entitled to an old-age pension, social pension, labor pension or other regular payments;

• the person providing care got a job;

• family members of a person in need of care are already receiving other care payments for that person;

• the person providing care is already receiving social care benefits in another country.

We will remind you! Ukrainian families have the right to receive cash assistance for adults and children in 2023. Find out in more detail which programs of financial assistance to Ukrainian families are currently available in Poland and how to receive payments by following the link.

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