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06 Mar. 2023


Applications for assistance in Poland can now be submitted in the mZUS app: how to do it and what programs are available

For refugees
Applications for assistance in Poland can now be submitted in the mZUS app: how to do it and what programs are available

In Poland, you can now apply for financial aid in a few minutes using the mZUS app. Find out more about whether they are available to Ukrainians

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An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

Citizens residing in Poland can apply for Family Capital and 400 plus benefits through the mZUS app. Read more about what these benefits are and how to apply using the mobile application below.

According to Gertruda Ushynska, President of ZUS, applications for a number of benefits can be submitted in just a few minutes using the app.

The new version of the mobile application has been expanded to include applications for co-financing the cost of a child's stay in a nursery, a children's club (400 plus allowance) and family capital (RKO).

The mZUS application is available for download on the GooglePlay and AppStore platforms.

Applications for all benefits within the app are submitted only electronically, which is very convenient for parents and guardians.

How to apply through the mZUS app?

The first step is to activate the application. To do this, you need to connect to your PUE ZUS profile. That is, you will not be able to use the application without a profile.

The activation process is described step by step on the initial start screens of the application.

What do I need to know about the Family Capital program and who can receive it?

Family capital is an allowance of 12 thousand PLN paid for the second and each subsequent child. Payments are divided into one and two equal parts. It is up to the parents to decide whether the payments are made for one or two years.

For example, for a two-year program, the monthly payment will be PLN 500, and for a one-year program, PLN 1000. The payment scheme can be changed in the process of receiving them.

Can Ukrainians count on assistance?

Ukrainians living in Poland can receive this assistance, provided that they

- do not receive similar assistance in other countries (this requirement does not apply to EU countries);

- live in Poland with their children;

- have a PESEL;

- have a residence permit with access to the labor market, namely foreigners who have permanent residence status, i.e. access to the labor market; foreigners who have a temporary residence permit (residence card) with the annotation "with access to the labor market".

Refugees are also eligible for assistance if the child lives with you and you support him or her, but at the same time

- you are the father of a child from Ukraine;

- you are a citizen of Ukraine or the spouse of such a citizen;

- you came to Poland in connection with the full-scale war in Ukraine, or you lived in Poland, but your child came to you after the war.

The 400 plus program. What is it and who is eligible?

Support 400 plus is a benefit for parents whose children (under 3 years old) attend a nursery, children's club or are under the supervision of a caregiver.

Payments are granted to persons who meet the following conditions:

 the foreigner's child is actually residing in Poland, attends a preschool and meets the stated age and other characteristics of the program;

 the child's parent is legally employed, i.e. makes all necessary payments to ZUS.

As for the benefits for Ukrainians. The program is also designed for Ukrainian citizens who have received the PESEL UKR status.

Within the program, you can receive up to PLN 400 - this is the maximum amount of funding, which means that for some children it will be less. It depends on the amount of costs associated with the child's stay in a nursery, kids' club or under the supervision of a caregiver.

We remind you! The International Rescue Committee has reopened registration for financial assistance for refugees from Ukraine in Poland. Read more about how to apply and the amount of payments here.

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