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26 Mar. 2023


IDP rights: what can internally displaced persons claim?

For refugees
IDP rights: what can internally displaced persons claim?

Many Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes and change their place of residence. Find out more about the social benefits for which IDPs are eligible

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Since the beginning of the full-scale war, a huge number of Ukrainian citizens have been forced to move from their hometowns and villages to other parts of the country, dramatically changing their lives.

Currently, 4.8 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) are officially registered in Ukraine. However, the actual number of IDPs is many times higher. We will tell you what benefits refugees can receive at their new place of residence. 

What can IDPs ask for at the local level?

IDPs have the right to:

- Ask local authorities to help in the search and reunification of family members who have lost contact due to internal displacement;

- request information about the fate and whereabouts of missing family members and close relatives;

- to demand safe living and health conditions, creation of appropriate conditions for its permanent or temporary residence;

- obtain information on whether there is a threat in the region that IDPs were forced to leave, what is the situation with infrastructure, ecology, etc;

- request state executive authorities, local governments and private entities to provide free temporary accommodation (subject to payment of utility bills) within six months from the date of registration of the internally displaced person; this period may be extended for large families, persons with disabilities, and the elderly;

- request assistance in moving movable property;

- request assistance in returning to the previous place of residence;

- request provision of medicines in cases and in accordance with the procedure established by law;

- seek free medical care in state and municipal health care facilities;

- enroll children in pre-school and general educational institutions;

- receive social and administrative services at the place of residence;

- conduct state registration of civil status acts, make changes to civil status records, renew and cancel them at the place of residence;

- request free travel for voluntary return to their abandoned permanent place of residence in all types of public transport in case the circumstances that caused such displacement disappear;

- receive humanitarian and charitable assistance.

Are there cases when a person may be denied IDP status?

Yes. A person may not be granted an IDP certificate if:

- there are no circumstances that caused the internal displacement;

- the state authorities have information confirming that you deliberately provided false information to obtain IDP status;

- you have lost your identity documents (passport) - but after their restoration, you will be able to obtain a certificate;

- you are not officially registered in the region from which you left - for example, if you are registered in Lviv, but lived in Kharkiv, from which you left as an IDP, you will not be issued a certificate of displacement;

- you do not have evidence to confirm your residence in the territory from which you left.

You can learn more about how to apply for an IDP certificate and 3 ways to register as an IDP in our article.

We remind you! Earlier, we wrote about how to change the IDP's place of residence in one click and other automatic services for IDPs in "Diia". Follow the link for details.

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