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31 May. 2023


How Dnipro lives during the war: the atmosphere in the city today

How Dnipro lives during the war: the atmosphere in the city today

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Dnipro has been regularly targeted by the enemy. During this time, the city has repeatedly suffered severe damage from enemy shelling. We tell you about the city's heroic struggle and how Dnipro lives today

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Dnipro has been Ukraine's main humanitarian hub for many years. Since 2014, large volunteer centers have been operating here, and the best specialists in Dnipro hospitals save hundreds of lives every day. However, the full-scale invasion has greatly changed the city's life. 

How does Dnipro live today? Let's find out. 

How many people live in Dnipro now?

Before the war, Dnipro was home to 1 million people. Many residents left the city after the start of the full-scale invasion, but most have returned. 

Dnipro also hosted the largest number of IDPs in Ukraine. After February 24, 150,000 IDPs arrived in the city, and if we count IDPs since 2014, the total number is 187,000. Dnipro Mayor Borys Filatov says that two-thirds of the passengers on the Pokrovsk-Lviv evacuation train got off at Dnipro station and stayed in the city. 

People are traveling to Dnipro from Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia regions. Many residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast have also settled in the regional center, as certain communities in the region suffer daily from russian artillery, including Nikopol district, which is shelled from occupied Enerhodar. 

Rocket attacks in Dnipro

The "Air Alert" signal is heard in Dnipro almost every day. Since February 24, 2023, the alert has been declared 1716 times in the region, and the total duration of the danger is 56 days. The longest alarm lasted 5 hours and 45 minutes. 

Over the entire period of the war, 322 explosions have occurred here, 37 of which were in May this year.  

In Dnipro, russian missiles destroyed numerous different infrastructure facilities: a hospital, an emergency rescue unit, an airport, a service station, gas stations, warehouses, and about 20 private homes. 

A terrible tragedy occurred in the town on January 14, when a russian X-22 missile hit a high-rise building in a residential area of the town. Two entrances were completely destroyed. Forty-six people were killed and more than 80 injured. 

Where are the residents of Dnipro hiding from the shelling?

Currently, 220 protective structures and more than 500 simple shelters are openly available to local residents. In case of danger, special shelters have also been set up at public transport stops. 

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What martial law restrictions are in place in Dnipro?

Like most cities in Ukraine, Dnipro has introduced certain restrictions due to martial law.

The curfew is in effect from 24:00 to 05:00 - during this time, it is forbidden to be on the street and in public places. 

Also, swimming on the beaches in Dnipro has been banned this year. The decision was made by the Commission on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies of the Dnipro City Council in connection with the extension of martial law. The beaches will be equipped with signs prohibiting swimming.  

What is the situation with the energy sector?

Currently, there are no scheduled power outages in the city. However, the situation may change, it all depends on the overall energy system of Ukraine and its capacity. In particular, experts predict that Ukraine may return to scheduled blackouts at the end of summer. 

How is business in Dnipro operating during the war?

Dnipro is trying to hold the economic front as well. Business has almost adapted to the new reality. For example, while more than 40% of cafes and restaurants were closed during the first month of the full-scale war, 80% of establishments have now resumed operations.

The winter power outages did not break the business owners, but forced them to buy generators and ensure the availability of electricity.  

The city has also developed a business relocation program, conducting trainings and consultations for entrepreneurs who have decided to move their business or production to Dnipro.

Earlier, we told you about how other Ukrainian cities are living during the war: Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa.

As you know, Ukrainian towns and villages have been under constant russian missile attacks for almost a year and a half. Find out where the alarms are most often raised and which settlements are most often affected by attacks in our article.

Photo: adm.dp.gov.ua

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