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21 Jun. 2023


World Humanist Day: the history of the holiday and humanism in the modern world

World Humanist Day: the history of the holiday and humanism in the modern world

Humanism is a philosophical movement that prioritizes universal values, human rights to happiness, freedom, and personal development. Find out more about how Humanist Day is celebrated and how the world feels its crisis

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Every year on June 21, the World Humanism Day is celebrated all over the world. The holiday was introduced in 1986 at the World Congress of the International Humanist and Ethical Union in Oslo. For more than 35 years, Humanism Day has united people who share the ideas and principles of modern secular humanism.

The purpose of the holiday is to draw society's attention to the importance of humanism, raise awareness of the humanistic philosophical concept, and promote the unity of supporters of humanistic ideas.

What is humanism?

Humanism is a philosophical position that prioritizes universal human values (tolerance, love, mercy, justice, kindness), human rights to happiness, freedom, and personal development. Humanists seek to improve our world through democracy, ethics, and human capabilities.

Humanists trust the scientific method in understanding the structure of the universe and reject the idea of the supernatural. It is believed that a person can add meaning to his life by seeking happiness in this life and helping others to do the same.

How is Humanism Day celebrated?

There is no single way to celebrate this holiday. Each humanist community chooses the most appropriate for itself - it can be a meeting of like-minded people, a dinner or a picnic or a scientific conference and discussion on humanistic issues. Lectures, seminars and concerts are also held on this day.

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The crisis of humanism

On June 21, humanity in different parts of the world speaks about the importance of freedom, the right to happiness of any person on the planet, and human value. At the same time, russia has been fighting against democracy and ethics for the second year and is demonstrating a complete lack of humanity by killing Ukrainians and destroying the cities of our country every day.

For almost six months, russian missiles flew exclusively at the objects of the critical infrastructure of Ukraine. Throughout the winter, the russian army tried to leave Ukrainians without electricity, heat and water. When the Ukrainians resisted, the occupier blew up the Kakhovska dam. This act of terrorism caused a major environmental disaster, thousands of people lost their homes, and many cities in Ukraine were left without water.

The full-scale invasion of Ukraine showed that the leadership and population of the aggressor country lacked any respect for the ideas of humanism. The occupier is trying to take away freedom and the right to a free life from Ukrainians. Missile attacks on Ukrainian cities cause significant destruction and human casualties, and in turn, russians on social networks meet them with thousands of joyful messages.

The army of the russian federation does not adhere to any convention of warfare: it keeps prisoners of war in terrible conditions, illegally transports children and deports Ukrainians, uses prohibited ammunition, fires at medical facilities, etc.

Humanism has always been foreign to Muscovy. It was not there under Ivan the Terrible in 1547, nor in the tsarist times, nor in the Soviet period, nor in every event after that.

War is terrible and merciless, it takes away people's lives, family, home and peace, and destroys children's childhood. However, good will definitely defeat evil, which does not respect any human value.

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