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08 Aug. 2023


What losses did Ukraine suffer due to the russian invasion: new estimates by KSE

What losses did Ukraine suffer due to the russian invasion: new estimates by KSE

The destruction Ukraine has suffered as a result of russian aggression is estimated at billions of dollars. Find out which sector has suffered the most and how much money is needed to restore the destroyed infrastructure

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The Kyiv School of Economics (KSE Institute) has released new data on the losses incurred by Ukraine as a result of the russian invasion. Thus, taking into account the cost of replacing the destroyed infrastructure, the total amount of direct losses was estimated at $150.5 billion. So, which sector has suffered the most and how much money Ukraine needs to restore the damaged and completely destroyed infrastructure is described in the article below.

Damage to Ukraine's housing stock: new estimates

Among all sectors, the housing stock suffered the greatest losses. Thus, the damage was estimated at $55.9 billion. It should be noted that about $1 billion of this amount is the damage incurred by residential buildings as a result of the explosion of the Kakhovka Dam, i.e., flooding and partial destruction.

As of June 2023, according to preliminary estimates by the military administrations of Ukraine, the total number of destroyed (or partially damaged) housing stock reached 167,200 buildings, including:

- 147.8 thousand are private houses;

- 19.1 thousand are apartment buildings;

- 0.35 - dormitories.

The most severe damage was sustained in the settlements located (or located) on the front line, in particular: Mariupol, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sievierodonetsk, Rubizhne, Bakhmut, Maryinka, Lysychansk, Popasna, Izyum and Volnovakha. In some of these cities, 90% of the housing stock was destroyed, and some of them have no surviving buildings at all.

In addition, these estimates do not take into account about 37,000 buildings that were flooded after the Russian terrorist attack on the Kakhovka Dam.

What transportation infrastructure has been destroyed by russia?

Ukraine's transportation infrastructure was the second most damaged. This also includes the road sector, as well as railway, port and aviation infrastructure. The cost of damage was estimated at $36.6 billion.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, russian infrastructure has been completely destroyed or partially destroyed:

- 19 airports and civilian airfields;

- about 126 railroad stations and railway stations.

In addition, Ukraine's port infrastructure has suffered significant destruction (both from missile attacks and flooding after the Kakhovka reservoir dam was blown up) and road surfaces (including bridges), particularly in the regions where hostilities are taking place (or have taken place).

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What losses did the business suffer as a result of the russian invasion?

The loss of business assets was estimated at $11.4 billion. Thus, not including the facilities currently located in the temporarily occupied territories, at least 426 large and medium-sized private enterprises and state-owned companies were damaged or completely destroyed. It is also worth considering that a significant number of businesses were forced to relocate to safer regions of Ukraine. This was influenced by both direct hostilities and the flooding of the territories.

How has the education sector been affected by russia's armed aggression?

The total number of educational institutions that have been destroyed as a result of the russian invasion has almost reached 3,400. According to preliminary estimates, the damage was estimated at $9.7 billion. The most affected are establishments in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Kyiv regions.

How has the russian invasion affected the energy, agricultural and social sectors?

According to preliminary estimates, the direct damage to the energy sector's infrastructure is $8.8 billion, of which $683 million is a direct result of the flooding in southern Ukraine. Another $8.7 billion is estimated to have been lost in Ukraine's agricultural sector. The total amount of damage to the social sphere, including science and healthcare facilities, cultural facilities, sports facilities, and administrative buildings, is estimated at $5.9 billion.

However, despite the significant destruction and damage, Ukraine and Ukrainians continue to hold on, and the titans of the Armed Forces are gradually and confidently clearing Ukrainian land of russian invaders. We will survive, we will win, we will rebuild!

We remind you! Every third Ukrainian often comes across information about problems in the Armed Forces that prevent the military from performing their duties effectively. In our previous article, we told you which problem Ukrainians consider to be the main one in this regard.

Photo: mepr.gov.ua

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