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08 Oct. 2023


Lawyer's Day in Ukraine: when you may need the help of a specialist while traveling

Lawyer's Day in Ukraine: when you may need the help of a specialist while traveling

The Lawyer's Day has recently appeared in the Ukrainian calendar. This holiday brings together lawyers from various fields of activity who defend the rights and freedoms of citizens, carry out document examination, represent the interests of citizens, etc. Find out more about when you may need the help of a specialist when traveling abroad and where to get quality legal services

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Do you need legal advice? Order the "Private lawyer" service online — quickly and professionally

Every year on October 8, Ukraine celebrates Lawyer's Day - a professional holiday of the servants of Themis. Legal advisers, lawyers, notaries, judges, prosecutors - this is a special day for everyone who has connected his life with such an honorable and difficult cause. The date was not chosen by chance, it is believed that on October 8, 1016, Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kyiv issued the first compendium of the laws of Russka Pravda.

In honor of Lawyer's Day, we decided to remind you when you may need the help of a personal lawyer during your trip and where you can get it.

8 situations when you may need the help of a lawyer while traveling abroad

Lawyers are qualified professionals who can provide support when planning a trip abroad and during a stay in another country:

1. Reimbursement of expenses – if an event occurs during your stay abroad that damages your health or property, a lawyer will help you obtain funds to compensate for any damages. For example, if a tourist gets sick or injured, a lawyer will arrange compensation for medical expenses. Lawyers also help in solving problems with transport, hotels, lost luggage, etc.

2. Consultations – the specialist will tell you about the main provisions of the migration legislation of the chosen country, will familiarize you with a detailed list of documents that the traveler will need during a trip, move or to start a business.

3. Help in learning the culture and basic laws in force in the destination country:

- local customs and rules;

- tips on safe travels;

- rules for traveling by own car;

- customs requirements and restrictions;

- laws of photo and film shooting;

- rules for using drones;

- cultural etiquette and customs;

- environmental laws and nature conservation areas;

- laws on intellectual property;

- regulations on work and volunteering.

4. Solving legal problems while staying abroad, in particular, assistance in any court proceedings.

5. Protection of rights - before the trip, the lawyer will inform about the rights of the tourist and the main laws of the country to which the foreigner is going, and will also provide assistance in any situation that may arise during the stay abroad and where the rights of the foreigner may be violated.

6. Legal representation - specialists work on behalf of the traveler and represent the tourist's interests in the police, court, etc. The lawyer will ensure fair treatment of the client and no discrimination due to his nationality or language barrier.

7. Review of contracts – review of terms, fees, payment requirements, security measures and other details that may be important to the traveler.

8. Emergency assistance - assistance to people who are in a difficult situation, for example, arrested or in need of medical assistance. The lawyer will explain the laws of the country and solve the emergency.

In addition, lawyers can provide other services, such as finding an interpreter or helping with visa or passport paperwork.

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On the Visit Ukraine portal, you can get advice from a personal lawyer for Ukrainians traveling abroad, as well as support from a lawyer on migration issues when entering Ukraine for foreigners.

Consultants will help tourists and migrants in solving any legal issues that arise during travel or living abroad.

Service specialists are certified lawyers who are well versed in international law and know all the rules and procedures for traveling abroad.

Specialists are always online and will help in solving the most difficult situations, regardless of place and time.

Consultation of a personal lawyer for Ukrainians

- Documents necessary for Ukrainians to cross the border, code requirements, insurance, prohibitions when crossing the border, the procedure for obtaining a visa, etc.

- Consultation on the application for a permit to travel abroad for temporary and permanent residence.

- Issuance of a certificate of fiscal authorities on the absence of debt.

- Preparation of documents and consultation regarding the procedure for submitting documents for obtaining a residence permit abroad.

- Consultation on deregistration in the registration authorities of Ukraine, handing over the passport of Ukraine to the migration service and obtaining a second passport with a note on residence in another country instead.

- Coordination of documentation with the migration service, submission of documents and control over their passage.

Personal lawyer

- Documents required for a foreigner to cross the Ukrainian border, requirements for an insurance policy, bans on entering Ukraine, the procedure for obtaining a visa, entering Ukraine by car with foreign registration, etc.

- Documents required for the issuance of a temporary or permanent residence permit in Ukraine, temporary registration, consulting assistance at the State Emergency Service, obtaining a TIN and other issues of interest to the client.

Support options

We offer three types of consultations:

- entry or exit from Ukraine (short for 30 minutes);

- residence permit (basic for 60 minutes);

- full legal support (personal support for 5 hours).

No matter where you travel, having an attorney by your side can make all the difference. From providing advice and legal guidance to emergency assistance, lawyers are essential to travelers who want to stay safe while abroad. When planning your next trip abroad, make sure you have an experienced attorney ready to help with any unexpected issues.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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