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05 Feb. 2024


Temporary protection in Poland can be extended only until the end of June: details

For refugees
Temporary protection in Poland can be extended only until the end of June: details

At present, Ukrainian refugees in Poland can count on the extension of their temporary status. According to the latest updates, legal stay of Ukrainian citizens is possible only until June 2024. Find out more about the reasons for this decision and when it will come into force

Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car
Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car

Planned changes to legislation aimed at providing temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees may extend their stay in Poland until June 30, 2024. Information about this appeared on the website of the government of the country, yavp.pl reports.

Please note! To ensure a safe stay abroad, you should take care of reliable health insurance in advance, which will not only help you maintain your health, but also protect you from unforeseen expenses. You can take out an insurance policy that covers emergency medical care in case of illnesses and accidents, as well as inpatient and outpatient care around the world on the Visit Ukraine website. In addition, on our portal, you can immediately apply for car insurance - the Green Card, which is mandatory in 50 countries, including the EU.

Temporary refugee protection in Poland can be extended for less than 6 months

Draft amendments to the law on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict in the country are being developed by the Ministry of the Interior of Poland. Accordingly, the current provisions should be extended until June 30, 2024. Previously, the government considered the possibility of an extension until September 2024.

The document indicates that the government plans to start working on significant changes and extensions to the law, in line with the EU Council's decision to extend protection until March 2025.

"Work on these issues will begin immediately after extensive consultations with local authorities, state institutions, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders," the draft law states.

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According to the proposed amendments, residence permits in Poland will remain valid until June 30, as well as the possibility of using buildings for collective residence of Ukrainian citizens.

By the end of June, Ukrainian healthcare professionals - doctors, dentists, nurses, and pharmacists - will be able to obtain a work permit in Poland.

These amendments to the special law are expected to be adopted by the Polish government during the first quarter of 2024 and may enter into force the day after the announcement.

We remind you! The Polish government is planning to consider a number of updated rules for Ukrainian citizens who have taken refuge in the country since the beginning of the full-scale war. Read more about what may change for refugees in Poland in the near future in our previous article.

Photo: gettyimages.com

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Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

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