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24 Feb. 2024


The number of millionaires in Ukraine has grown by 16%: how many people have filed their declarations?

The number of millionaires in Ukraine has grown by 16%: how many people have filed their declarations?

Over the past year, the fiscal authorities have received thousands of declarations from individuals who have declared income of more than UAH 1 million. Learn more about income declaration in 2023 and the number of official millionaires in Ukraine

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The number of declarations with income in excess of UAH 1 million increased by 16% compared to the previous year. More than 12 thousand people filed high-income tax returns. This was announced by Danylo Hetmantsev, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy, on Telegram.

The number of official millionaires has increased in Ukraine: details

"In 2023, Ukrainians filed 266 thousand declarations of property and income. The amount of declared income amounted to UAH 147.92 billion. A significant part of the declarations - 112 thousand - were filed in connection with the use of the right to a tax rebate. The amount of personal income tax to be refunded from the budget is UAH 444.08 million," the statement said.

It is emphasized that over the past year, the number of people who declared income over UAH 1 million has increased significantly. Such declarations were filed by 12,374 people, which indicates an increase in the number of millionaires in the country. 

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After analyzing these declarations, it was determined that the taxable income of these individuals amounted to UAH 2,756.0 million, which is a significant amount of personal income tax to be paid to the budget. 

In addition, their preferential liabilities included a military fee of UAH 526.5 million.

The head of the parliamentary committee emphasized that the total amount of personal income taxes paid amounted to UAH 4,539.02 million, and military duty - UAH 946.09 million.

We remind you! Earlier we wrote that the problem of corruption in Ukraine remains a hot topic among citizens. According to the survey, more than 50% of respondents believe that bribery is a widespread phenomenon, as it is difficult to do without it. Read more about the wide range of citizens' views on the problem of corruption in Ukraine and different attitudes towards bribes in society in our article.

Photo: Unsplash

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