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09 May. 2024


Basic military training: who has to go through it, when does it start, and what do you need to know about it?

Basic military training: who has to go through it, when does it start, and what do you need to know about it?

Ukraine will soon introduce basic military training to replace compulsory military service. Men of a certain age will have to undergo such training. Find out who we are talking about and what this training entails

Legal advice for Ukrainians
Legal advice for Ukrainians

Ukraine has cancelled conscription and introduced basic military training instead. This change will come into effect under the new law on mobilisation, which will come into force on 18 May. However, the training will not start immediately. We'll tell you when it starts and who will have to undergo it.

All men aged 18-24 will be required to undergo basic military training. At the same time, it is optional for women.

So far, there is no specific mechanism for military training for men who have not yet reached the age of conscription (25 years) but are no longer studying at higher education institutions. 

What is basic military training and who has to undergo it?

Basic military training offers citizens of Ukraine the basic knowledge and skills required both in peacetime and in wartime. This programme replaces traditional conscription and teaches the basics of weaponry, battlefield tactics, and methods of providing medical and first aid.

During martial law, it will last for three months, one of which will be spent on general military training and two months on professional training.

Basic military training will be introduced in higher education institutions starting in 2025. Thus, the training is intended for male students aged 18 to 24, who will be able to choose the time of basic military service during these years.

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Who is exempt from basic military training?

All adult men who are not yet subject to mobilisation are obliged to undergo basic military training. However, there are exceptions for:

- men who are declared unfit for military service for health reasons;

- persons who have already undergone military training in Ukraine;

- persons who received military training abroad before acquiring Ukrainian citizenship.

At the same time, women can undergo training on a voluntary basis.

How will basic military training be conducted?

The basic military training programme will include theoretical classes in general military disciplines and an extensive practical part, which will take at least 70% of the total training time. Practical training will be conducted on training grounds, firing ranges and shooting ranges where live ammunition will be used, providing students with realistic conditions for practising their skills.

Basic military training will also be provided at educational centres of the Armed Forces. 

Although it is prescribed that military training should last up to three months, of which at least one month is for basic general military training and up to two months for professional training, the Ministry of Education and Science plans to agree on a procedure for completing the BMT within one to two months during martial law. 

After receiving a referral for basic military training, each participant must undergo a medical examination. This stage is necessary to confirm physical fitness and the absence of medical contraindications to participation in military exercises.

It should be noted that in case of legal issues you can ask for help from Visit Ukraine lawyers who will help you to solve the problem in the field of law. Quickly and without any difficulties you can get a consultation at this link.

We remind you! In Ukraine, businesses can reserve their employees from mobilisation. However, not everyone is entitled to do so. Read here to find out what reservations have been extended in the country and who can count on them.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

On the Visit Ukraine portal, you can get legal advice on migration law. Our lawyers will answer all your questions and, if necessary, help you collect, submit and receive the documents you need. You can order a specialist consultation or full legal support by following this link.

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