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09 Oct. 2024


Is there any liability for inviting a foreigner to Ukraine?

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For foreigners in UA
Is there any liability for inviting a foreigner to Ukraine?

Inviting a foreigner to Ukraine entails certain responsibilities for the host party. Find out about the legal requirements, obligations of the inviting party, possible fines for violations, and practical tips for safe and legal stay of foreigners in Ukraine

Legal assistance on entry, stay and legalization of foreigners in Ukraine
Legal assistance on entry, stay and legalization of foreigners in Ukraine

Inviting a foreigner to Ukraine is a responsible step that can raise many questions. One of the most common ones is: “Will I be liable if the foreigner violates the law or overstays?” What liability and penalties are provided for individuals and legal entities that invited and hosted foreigners in Ukraine - we will analyze further in the material.

Who is responsible for a foreigner in Ukraine if there is an invitation?

It is important to understand that the responsibility for a foreigner in Ukraine lies not only with the person who directly issued the invitation. According to the law, the responsibility lies with the “receiving party”, which includes:

— Persons who issued the invitation for the foreigner

— Those who directly receive the foreigner in Ukraine

— Employers who employed the foreigner

— Organizations that have engaged a foreigner in volunteer activities

— Citizens of Ukraine who have married a foreigner who has already resided in Ukraine

The main document regulating this issue is the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”. According to part 2 of Article 32 of this law:

Individuals or legal entities that invited or received foreigners and stateless persons shall, by court decision in accordance with the procedure established by law, reimburse the costs incurred by the state as a result of the expulsion or readmission of the said foreigners and stateless persons.

What are the obligations of the receiving party?

The law clearly defines the obligations of the host party in relation to foreigners. Here are the main ones:

1. To take measures to ensure timely submission of applications for residence permits in Ukraine.

2. Notify the relevant authorities of the termination of the grounds for residence in Ukraine of foreigners who have been invited or accepted.

3. Cover the expenses of foreigners related to their stay in Ukraine and departure from Ukraine.

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What are the penalties for violation of the host party's obligations?

The law provides for fines for failure to fulfill the obligations of the host party. The amount of the fine depends on the nature of the violation and the status of the person (individual or legal entity):

1.For deliberate failure to take measures to timely process documents or failure to notify of the termination of the grounds for stay:

— for individuals: from 850 to 1700 UAH

— for officials: from 1700 to 3400 UAH

2. For repeated violation within a year:

— for individuals: from 1700 to 2550 UAH

— for officials: from UAH 3400 to 5100

Should I be afraid to invite foreigners to Ukraine?

Despite the existence of statutory liability, in practice, cases of bringing the host party to justice are quite rare. However, to avoid potential problems, you should follow a few simple rules:

1. Be vigilant: if you suspect that a foreigner intends to violate the laws of Ukraine, it is better to refrain from inviting him or her.

2. Report changes: in case of termination of labor, family or other relations with a foreigner, be sure to notify the Migration Service of Ukraine.

3. Meet deadlines: submit all necessary documents and applications for registration or extension of a foreigner's stay in Ukraine in a timely manner.

4. Consult with experts: in case of doubt or difficult situations, contact Visit Ukraine lawyers specializing in migration law for advice.

Inviting a foreigner to Ukraine is a responsible step that requires an understanding of your rights and obligations. Although the law provides for certain responsibilities for the host party, you should not be overly afraid of this process. By complying with the law and fulfilling your responsibilities in a timely manner, you can minimize risks and ensure a comfortable stay of a foreign guest in Ukraine.

If you have any questions about paperwork for a foreigner in Ukraine or need assistance in this process, please contact Visit Ukraine lawyers. Professional advice will help you avoid potential problems and ensure that all the necessary documents are properly executed.

We remind you! The invitation is the basis for obtaining a B, C or D type visa to enter Ukraine. Read in our previous article when a foreigner or a stateless person needs to obtain an invitation and how to do it.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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Visit Ukraine Legal Advice – comprehensive legal support on entry to Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

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asked questions

What should the invitation look like?

The invitation must contain the surname, name, patronymic of the individual, details of his or her passport or permanent or temporary residence permit (for foreigners and stateless persons), address of residence, as well as the surname, name, patronymic of the invited person, information about his or her date and place of birth, as well as other information (depending on the type of invitation and the purpose of the foreigner's entry into Ukraine).

How to confirm the purpose of entry into Ukraine?

What do you need to enter Ukraine?

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