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24 Sep. 2022


Germany will change the amount of payments for Ukrainian refugees. What amount to expect?

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Germany will change the amount of payments for Ukrainian refugees. What amount to expect?

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

Increased assistance will be paid to Ukrainian refugees in Germany. It is planned that from 2023, Ukrainians in need of financial assistance will receive approximately 50 euros more. This was reported by Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland.

According to Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil's project, the Hartz IV payment rates must be adjusted for inflation from January 1, 2023. Refugees from Ukraine, who received housing assistance in the spring of 2022, were transferred to a new legal status on June 1. Already in the summer, Ukrainians were subject to the Hartz IV basic unemployment benefit, which is assigned by the Jobcenter. Accordingly, the amount of unemployment benefits for German citizens will also be revised for Ukrainian citizens who have the status of temporary protection.

How will the payments change?

The largest increase in benefits is expected for single adults or lone parents - they will receive an increase of €53, and the amount of benefits will increase to €502 (currently €449).

In other categories of socially vulnerable people, payments will change as follows:

• adult citizens — 451 euros (currently 404 euros);

• children aged 14 to 17 — 420 euros (currently 376 euros);

• children aged 6 to 13 — 348 euros (currently 311 euros);

• children under 5 years old — 318 euros (currently 285 euros).

We will remind you! From September 1, 2022, citizens of Ukraine who are fleeing a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, coming to Germany without a visa, will not be forced to register immediately. You can find out more about this and other changes for Ukrainian refugees in Germany at the link.