Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, Ukrainians have not stopped getting sick less, and the same COVID-19 has not disappeared from the planet, although it has not been the main topic for bullies for 7 months. We have collected the most important information that you should know about the registration of sick leave during the war in Ukraine.
The order of formation of leaves of incapacity for work has not changed
You seek medical help, and if you are temporarily incapacitated, your attending physician forms an appropriate medical opinion about this fact in the electronic health care system. It should be noted that the duty to form such medical conclusions rests directly with the attending physician.
It is not necessary to contact a primary care doctor separately for this if medical care was provided by a specialist doctor. Just as, it is not necessary to submit a declaration on the choice of a doctor who provides primary medical care.
After the treating doctor forms the appropriate medical opinion, it will be sent to the Electronic Register of Sickness Certificates. If you are an insured person and are included in the Register of Insured Persons (that is, you or your employer pays the appropriate contributions on your behalf) - a certificate of incapacity for work will be created in the ERLN.
The generated sick leave will be available to you and your employer.
For uninsured persons, disability certificates are not issued, and the document confirming the fact of temporary disability is a medical opinion issued by a doctor.
Attention! If your attending physician does not have the technical ability to create a medical opinion in the electronic health care system, he can open a sick leave for you in paper form.
How to get a payment for a sick leave?
As for receiving payments for sick leave or maternity benefits, they can also be processed and implemented by the employer in the prescribed manner.
However, such payments can be received even if the employer cannot process your documents and submit an application-calculation by location due to hostilities.
Please note that if your enterprise is located in a territory where hostilities are not taking place, and therefore there are no obstacles to the formation of a settlement application, the employer must assign you assistance within the specified time frame despite the state of war. To receive payments directly from the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine, you must contact any branch of the Fund that is convenient for you.
Can sole proprietors receive sick leave?
Yes, it can. You must have the following documents with you:
▪️ a paper sheet of incapacity for work or an e-hospital number;
▪️ a copy of a passport or a page with relevant information of another identity document;
▪️ a certificate of assignment of RNOKPP (taxpayer card registration number).
If available, other documents confirming the right to benefits, the amount of wages, etc. are also submitted. A certificate of registration as an internally displaced person is not required in this case, but may be provided if available.
Funds are transferred to a specially opened current account or personal bank card.
Keep yourselves!
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